"Then, if our child is a boy, what name is suitable for him?" Mia asked while rubbing her belly, trying to treat the guilt in the Little One. That woman felt unfair because she had forced the situation. The hope of having a baby girl must be immediately dashed.
At the unexpected question, Julian's eyes automatically rolled upwards. After a moment of silence, he muttered. “How about we adopt Dad's idea? Grace ... becomes Gracedo? Gracello? Grazelo?”
One more spontaneous laugh erupted from Mia's mouth. “That sounds unique, Julian. You're really creative in making names," the woman teased.
"It's not an easy matter, Mia. Even you haven't found a nickname for me yet," the man grumbled while putting on a sullen look.
After muffling the cheerful voice, the woman let out a faint sigh. “About that …. I guess, I'm comfortable just calling you Julian. My heart tingles every time I say that one beautiful word."