As soon as he entered the vast and majestic ballroom, Cayden's eyes suddenly lit up. The gold and white color match looked like a delicious cake to him. After a slow blink, he sighed, "Woah ...."
Hearing the cute tiny voice, Gabriella automatically raised the corners of her lips. A second later, she examined the look on her son's face. "What is it, Cayden? Are you happy to come here?”
“Cacacaca!” the baby shouted, pointing his index finger at the shiny dance floor.
"Do you want to play there?" the young mother inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Without saying a word, Cayden straightened up his body in a sudden. Knowing her son's intention, Gabriella finally lowered the baby in the tilted bow tie from her arms.
"Don't run too fast because Dad is not with us. Understand?"
As if understanding his mother's orders, Cayden sighed, "Yes!"