
The man looked at Eva with disgusting gaze which was only emitting a murderous aura and Jack got surprised at the gutsy girl, who had the courage to roar at his Lord.

He was sheepishly admiring the little girl who was way too courageous, but the other second he got afraid for that poor and ignorant soul and wondered if she would roar again when she would get to know about the mighty and raged lord's true identity.

Meanwhile Jenny and Tina both supported Eva who just wanted to vent out her anger on this rude male and Jenny reported

" Are you happy now !?? Hann !!

You had perfectly ruined her birthday."

Emerald listened to the girl and felt even more guilty when his gaze travelled back to the girl's face . He patted her face once more and waited for her to open her eyes or show any movement but all in vain.

A healer hurriedly came there and bowed respectfully in front of lord. Every meek human soul was perplexed and they all had vexed their lips getting surprised over everything and didn't know how to react at the situation.

Their friend had been drowned and was lying there but all these people were showing the worth of man who was responsible for this condition of hers.

Because Emerald was a prince , an alpha and moreover a would be king , so every type of preparations were always made so that if he encounter any kind of situation, they would be able to handle it immediately.

He knew that the girl wasn't breathing properly and her pulse was getting Meeker as the time went by. Still he thought of getting her checked by the royal healer.

The royal healer who looked like a man in his mid fifties and wore a white coat over his royal dress approached both the drenched figures and kept his doctor's kit on the ground, lowered himself to the lying figure's level. He touched her Porcelain white skin on her left wrist and sensed her pulse.

Then he opened her eyes slightly and looked for signs of life and reported hanging his head down

" Prince ! The lady is not breathing properly. It seems like water has rushed inside her lungs . And moreover her pulse is getting shallow."

The words of healer made Emerald more restless and he asked almost like roaring at that poor healer wolf….


Do something , anything and make her get up ."

The healer got startled at once hearing his roar and without thinking twice reported back while stuttering…

"CPR ... We ... we... have to give her CPR Prince, to make her breathing even and push the water out of her lungs immediately."

Eva stepped in the situation and started pressing Scarlet's soft chest with worries written all over her face , but with a hope that her friend will wake up and give her a genuine smile like she always used to .

Soon the cherry blossom lips of that unconscious gorgeous girl moved and she coughed slightly when some amount of pool water was spat out of her mouth. Eva felt merrier and increased her pace.

She went on pressing her chest in order to push out the remaining water from her lungs hoping her to regain her consciousness but also getting scared for her friend’s safety.

After some more moments , almost all of the water was pumped out of her body because of Eva's actions . But still the girl didn't wake up.

It looked like except Eva, everyone else present there was not a living creature but statue. They were not moving at all and were just gawking at the girl hurrying in her actions.

Looking at the healer for the answer.... before Emerald could question him ... the healer said again ...

"CPR ... "

Without thinking anything else , he made Eva to be sideways and landed his sexy lips over hers to provide her oxygen for breathing.

The moment his lips landed over hers, he felt like thousands of years have passed since he last kissed her and thousands of moments have passed since he had been missing her.

Ignoring the emotions and feeling winding up in his head, he gave her the desired amount of Oxygen again and again and finally after several attempts , the girl came back to the mortal world and coughed violently.

But he was so much drowned in her taste , that he again leaned and landed his lips over hers to give her the oxygen and before he could realize that the girl had started moving. She just opened her eyes widely feeling something soft over them and shouted pushing him aside with all her might.....

" YOU ....... PERVERT …”

"P ... PERVERT ... "

"Did I just hear it correctly !!!!!?"

Emerald wondered in his mind getting a scolding from the meek girl who just got her senses back and yelled at him saying that he is pervert.

And that too for what ...!???

For saving her life !????

"Am I ...."

While Emerald was about to ask her if she had really called him pervert or it was just his ear drums processing the things wrongly but was cut amidst by Chris at once.

"Are you okay ! Do you feel any pain or uneasiness ??

I think we should head to the hospital to get you checked completely." suggested Chris to scarlet while holding her hands with worry filled eyes .

This didn't go unnoticed by Emerald , who became raged at once looking at Chris holding hands with scarlet and felt pained and lost .

“I ... I ... I am better . But I just want to go back home . " Scarlet expressed her wish at once .

She was feeling very different and quite uneasy . Although it was CPR and it was just to save her life , yet it was her first kiss. Never in her life of 21 years, she had given any chance to anybody to peck her, let alone kiss and this aloof and rude alpha male had not only yelled at her, schooled her for enjoying on her own birthday, insulted her, ruined her birthday, almost made her dead.... okk okk ... she fell down on her own but he must have held her hand.... ... but also took away her first kiss .

She wanted to get away from this whole situation and wanted to rest. Moreover , she was totally drenched and dripping. He dress was wet and was revealing all her curves which made the man even more restless and she noticed his piercing gaze on her body.

Her chain of thoughts got broken when Jenny and Tina along with Eva and Tom approached her and helped her sit .

"Yes, we will get going now scarf (nickname of scarlet given by Jenny, Eva and Tina ) . This place and people here are too suffocating"

Taunted Jenny looking at the man who according to her was too aloof that even after knowing that it was his mistake, didn't even try to plead guilty and ask for a mere sorry.

Emerald sutured his lips and tried to process something in his head. Something was happening to him . He was feeling something different since the moment he touched her and kissed her. Although that was not a kiss, just a way-out to help her breath , but in any case, his lips touched hers and he got intimidated.

It landed him to lose his sanity and made him chew her cheery red lips unknowingly.

Chris and Jenny helped Scarlet to stand up. All the while Chris had been holding her hand and being protective of her.

Just when they were leaving the pool area , a staff member came there pushing a cart on which a huge cake was placed along with a bouquet and some wine and champagne .

The cart was beautifully decorated with glitters and balloons . Without knowing the situation, the staff member headed forward but got stunned at the scenario in front of him .

Actually it was the policy of club that whenever there is any customer who lands into the place to celebrate something, they prepare a little surprise gift and a decorative food cart to let the customer enjoy more and feel their hostility to make the day even more memorable.

The staff member was there according to the club policy but wasn't aware of what had happened. Still he sutured his mouth and yet tried to make the situation light and approached drenched Scarlet.

By any means he guessed that this little girl must have fallen down or have had tripped down into the pool, so he advised her to head towards the changing room to change her dress.

"Miss Lozenge, you are badly drenched. Please come with me to the changing room . I will arrange a dress for you. You can catch cold if you remain in these clothes. "suggested the member .

"No sir, I am fine and thank you very much for this courtesy but we are heading back to home. " replied Scarlet slightly shivering and feeling uneasy.

The staff member became dazzled not knowing what to do next and in a split second his gaze landed over the food cart which was specifically prepared for scarlet and he stopped scarlet

" Miss, we wish you a very happy birthday.

This little surprise had been prepared by the club to make your day more memorable. Please change your clothes to avoid getting sick."

Scarlet denied his request by giving him a faint smile, not because she didn't like the gift, but because she was feeling quite uneasy and the heart throbbing pain haven't yet subsided properly. So , she just wanted to rest.

"Thanks a lot for this beautiful surprise Mr. Smith"

Replied she while she peeked at the badge name of the person holding the cart and added further…

"We would have stayed but I am not feeling well right now. So , we just need to leave.

Moreover, this birthday is the one which I wouldn't even forget."

Looking at the man standing glued to his position and watching her as if he was trying to recognize her .