What Happened To Your Hairs?!


While these two figures were busy chit-Chatting, someone was tossing and turning over her bed in her slumber sleep. And that someone was none other than our little Scarlet.

Over her comfy and cozy bed, Scarlet was tossing badly, but not because she couldn't sleep, but because she was soo badly sleeping and was in her dream and that dream appeared way too real that she was moving in her slumber sleep.

A girl was wearing a magnetic kind of clothes which were giving her the looks of a royal princess. She was way too pretty and sexy that any man could get cuckloaded just by her one glance. Even the women would despise her beauty. She was looking damn pretty and happy as if she had owned all the worlds in this universe.

All of a sudden the scenario had changed and the girl was lying in a pool of blood gushing out of her heart like a river, while there was a dagger which pierced her every bone and rib cage and attacked over all the valves and corners of that pumping organ. She was looking scary and in deep pain. But her eyes were blood red and were struck over a certain direction.

Scarlet was feeling like she was a spirit and was witnessing everything. Before she could turn towards the direction at which the lying girl's eyes had been pointing,. .... she was snapped out of her dream and hurriedly sat over the bed sweating badly .

Her whole body , which she had showered just 3 hours ago and her smooth silky shiny hairs which were totally dried before plopping on the bed were drenched like she had been submerged into the water.

She looked at her surroundings and calculated everything in her mind ensuring that it was a dream.... no, a very bad dream .

Although the girl over there in her dream was someone unknown to Scarlet , yet she felt like it was herself that was lying over there and she suddenly her heart feeling the pain of that beautiful girl.

Blowing off all the emotions and feeling that were lingering in her mind, she just thought to draw some weapons to divert her attention.

It's been 3 straight hours and there wasn't even a slight drop of sleep in her eyes. She was feeling thirsty and looked over the jug of water placed over her headboard of bed.

"Holy goddess, it's empty. But I remember filling it back then ." She contemplated the thoughts and again gave herself a slap over her head.... "Shitt ... Scarlet, how could you forget it that you yourself had drunk the whole jug of water . "

She travelled outside her bedroom keeping the empty glass jug in her hands to fill it with water towards the kitchen and just peeked outside the window.

The rays of sun had been trying to enter inside the corridor and making the earth warm. It's was a mixed weather, neither it was summers nor winters.

Just when she had filled her water jug and was ready to step out of kitchen..... Mr. Lozenge had caressed her head from behind making her step out in surprise.

"Aishhh ....!! Daaddddd!!!! you know , I was just about to have a heart attack. You scared me.... " Mr. Lozenge laughed out and looked over his daughter who was looking extra pretty and could help but question her before apologizing ..

"I am sorry for scaring you sweetie. But tell me what did you apply over your face ? " Hearing over the words, Scarlet touched her face meekly and asked ....

"Why dad ?? Is there anything over my face ?"

"No dear, there is nothing over your face. But you are glowing way too much today. " She just blushed hearing her dad complementing her and hugged him affectionately saying ...

“Of course dad .. I would glow... After all My dad is that much handsome .

Like father , like daughter ." to which Mr. Lozenge just chucked and hugged his daughter and placed a kiss over her forehead.

"What happened to your hairs , Scarlet ?" Hearing her mother , she and her father both looked at her hairs and everybody's mouths got opened in aww.

Everybody in that kitchen was dumbstruck looking at the glowing golden blue hairs of the gorgeous girl, which had a green glare in them too.

"Tell me sweetie, Did you just color your hairs?"

.... Before Scarlet could say anything .... she was again cut off by another question from her father ...

"But what kind of color is this ? I mean , it's strange and even it's not a single color. It looks like a blend of 3-4 different colors and yet every color is visible separately too. ???"

Before her mother could open her mouth to ask anything further, Scarlet closed their mouths with her hands and replied looking at them ...

"Mom, Dad, ... I didn't apply any kind of color to my hairs. It's like this just. Even I am not aware of these changes. "

Her mother's stare got shifted to her hands and she held her hand which was used to stop Jessica asking any more questions in her old hands and patted it with care ....

"Baby, Are you fine ? ...

I mean your hair look different today and these hands of yours are even more smoother than any other day .

I feel like your complexion is also a bit different than yesterday. "

"Yes mom, I am very fine ." Scarlet replied looking into her mother's eyes which were not able to comprehend the situation and was again focused onto her hairs which were folded into a large sized messy bun and were reflecting various different textures of golden, blue , brown and light green colors every now and then making her dazed and worried.

"Mom , I am hungry ... would you cook something for me please ...!!!"

"Yes, yes, I would love to dear. Moreover , you should eat more. Only then you would be my chubby baby. " Jessica replied and got herself busy in the chores and her husband remained there to help her cook the food.

Scarlet came back to her room and looked at her reflection in the mirror which was showing that as if she had become the most gorgeous woman of this world within a night.

Her ocean blue eyes had been sparkling like millions of stars and could kill any man. Her rosy red cheeks and all her exposed body parts in her night dress were looking like her sking was made of glass and was literally shining.

"Maybe, the water in the pool was having any kind of chemical because of which my skin is like this. "

She shrugged all the thoughts and thought of getting freshen up and head towards the college as it is an important day for the students because it's the last assignment submission day for them .

She headed for the bathroom and took a long and comforting shower to relax her mind , body and maybe soul too and washed her hairs. She felt like her hairs had grown extra long, but shoved the thoughts and changed to a summer frock up to knee length with her hairs open because they were still semi-dried.

"Mom, I am hungry. Is the food ready ???" Asked scarf approaching the dinning table and taking her seat to munch the delicious dishes there.

Her mom and dad were busy serving the dishes so no one had noticed the changes , but before she could grab a piece of pancakes to stuff in her mouth, she felt thirsty all of a sudden and had a glass of water.

But it seemed that a glass of water wasn't sufficient to quench her thirst and so she ended up drinking the whole two jugs of water leaving every other figure present there in daze.

"Are you a fish ?? Why are you drinking that much of water today ??" asked her mother looking at her figure.

"Don't know mom . I a......." before she could speak any further, Mr. and Mrs. Lozenge both spotted her hair length and got bewildered because her hairs had been extra smooth and reached below her knees which were just up to her thighs the previous day and Mr. Lozenge just gasped at the scene .

The only words that left his mouth looking at his sweet daughter turning into a real goddess were .....

"OH MYY GOD !!!"

With his both hands over his mouth while Jessica was just staring her daughter sitting there looking at the dishes and drinking water rather than eating anything.