Your Good Days Are Gone

In this side where Scarlet was feeling very thirsty once again and was wondering as to what had been happening with her lately !!! and was quite absorbed in her own thoughts without paying any attention to the lecture.

The professor just gave a glance over her engaged face and threw down a chalk towards her lost figure saying ...

"Where are you lost Miss Lozenge !?? Come on, get up and tell me what I am teaching !! "

Just listening to this tone of the professor , Scarlet snapped out of her dazed land and got up hurriedly. As she was lost into her own world of thoughts , so she didn't pay any attention towards the lecture and just hanged her head down without answering the questions.

"See Miss Lozenge, these days even students like you are not paying attention in the class. If you guys will do this , what can I expect from the others ....I ....


Just when he was about to say the next sentence , a loud sound of his fart was heard in the classroom and it roared in the ears of all the students present there.

Everybody who had turned meek a while before, started laughing out loudly and classroom turned into a laughter house soon.

Scarlet who was hanging her head down was trying to suppress her laughter and because of that her chubby cheeks had turned red and her nose was looking like a tomato.

But it was all in vain , and she along with all the others burst out laughing . But the process glared towards each of them and everyone just shut out their mouths.

When all this happening and the process was trying to scare the students , Eva elbowed Scarlet and told her the answers to the questions .

Having succeeded in shutting all the unruly students , the professor again asked scarlet ...

"Yes, now ... tell me the answers miss ." To which she replied hurriedly and he made her sit again but not without warning to pay attention more.

On the other side , the lady went on reading all the contents of that mentioned page and ended up being surprised, shocked and bewildered but still decided to follow the commands.

She just closed her eyes and enchanted a spell while holding her one hand over her heart and the other hand over the book .

Carol was watching all this sitting besides her not knowing about what had been happening there. And she got bewildered and scared when there started to appear a dark violet coloured aura .

The lady was immersed in enchanting her spells and the aura was getting darker and darker . Within a certain lapse of time , the aura slowly and swiftly started to take a shape.

At first , Carol who was shocked and mesmerised at the same time was not able to apprehend the things and didn't notice the type of figure that had been forming there , but it was getting cleared and clearer eventually.

Soon , the empress was done with her spells and she slowly opened her eyes with a faint smile. The aura took a shape like a wolf , and a loud howl was heard inside the room .

The maids standing outside the room and in the corridor were scared as they also had witnessed some kind of strange energy therein.

The aura slowly turned into a wolf and it was having a brown colored fur with a slight yellowish patches over its body. Before anybody could sense anything else, the wolf there turned into a man of 6'6" height with a robust and muscular body.

The man was wearing a dress just like the royals do. He was holding a red colored cloth bag just like a little purse in his right hand and a small sized sharp spear in his another hand. The shoulders of that man were having certain kind of tattoos which were like some drawings depicting certain kind of hidden meanings.

His eyes were glittering and had galaxy like patterns in them which could make anybody fall in daze. Only a simple glance over his well built and robust body was enough to give off the vibe that he held enormous powers.

Both the ladies sitting over there were engaged in exploring his physique , but he spoke bowing his head in respect towards the grand empress ...

“ I pay my greetings to you , my lady !! ... How may I help you ?"

"I summoned you because you have to guide a girl." spoke the empress.

"A girl ...!!!! is it the girl who is mentioned in '7 Days and 7 Lives' ? " asked the man ..

"Yes, she is having a taste of her powers which are in control for the time being but won't be afterwards. So, you need to guide her ... towards her path in this life and also tell her about her powers and how to use them . " ordered the lady.

"Noted .... Is there any other order for me , lady ?? " asked the Path and Power guide Werewolf.

"No, for the time being. But you must report me timely . "

"Yes, my lady. Now allow me to leave and head for my mission."

"Hmm ... you can Leave.”


Inside the corporation which was among one of the best buildings and one of the most highly successful and paid multinational company , on the top most floor...

A certain man with raged eyes was standing in front of a huge glass building in his cabin and was peeking outside . All the things out there like the vehicles, people and other... were looking like tiniest creatures and was giving him more prideful yet dangerous look.

The cabin was quite lavish . It was clear from the interior designs and all the valuables present there. It was dusky black in color with occasional white shades over somewhere .

The man was quite restless and was pacing back and forth inside the cabin with a rage full in his green eyes which were not sexy now but were filled with a killing aura. He had been restless since the swimming pool incident.

Back then , so many girls had tried to seduce him, to move him with their charms and their bodies, but ....The Great Emerald Azure was invincible. He wasn't even moved an inch even after the ladies would throw themselves on him naked. Yes, he had a dangerous self control. He was never concerned over these things. But ....

But that little girl had ruined everything .

"You are messing with wrong person, babe ... I am a beast. I have to find out abo..." Just when be was mumbling all these things to himself immersed in her thoughts, his beta Jack entered the cabin with a file in his hands.

While he just stepped inside the cabin, his jaw dropped because of being shocked. This lavish and beautiful cabin which was designed by the most renowned designer from Italy and the lavish valuable items which were brought from different countries just to add the beauty and richness to the cabin were highly disordered. It gave off a look like the cabin wasn't cleaned .

Looking over the mumbling raged figure of Emerald , Jack gulped his saliva and took back all the air that he had in his mouth to his lungs so as not to create any sound and piss him off further.

Jack approached his figure and spoke being afraid of getting the punishment because he was late for the assigned task ...

" My lord.... thi ... this is the file containing all the information regarding Miss Scarlet Lozenge that you have asked me to collect. "

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Emerald stopped his mumbling and hurriedly snatched the file of information from his hands and started reading while taking a sit on the. nearby couch .

But the information was not enough to calm him down .So, he looked at Jack who was too scared to speak anything and enquired ...

"Is that it ? "

"No my lord ... I am working over this . I hope to dig into the matter more and I feel like I would end up having something discovered. " said jack .

"Hmm" this was all the response Jack got from his lord. But he was happy that he didn't get a scolding . Just as he was beaming with happiness, Emerald shot next question making him shiver ...

"What about that boy !"

'Shit ! I forgot that file in the car .' Jack cursed himself and responded lowly ...

"The file is in the car , lord. I will get it right away."

Emerald who had been checking the pictures of Scarlet in that file , didn't get angry and responded while nodding his head which was another shock for Jack.

Jack came back in a lightening speed and handed over the file to his lord. Emerald checked all the information regarding Chris and a dangerous smirk took over his face , which was enough to make jack understand.

'Your good days are gone , little boy.' Jack mumbled inside his breath thinking about Chris.