Am I The Queen Here?

Saying that they should ask the child about what SHALA had told them is true or not, the Emperor and the queen both approached the baby bump of Melanie and Ester along with Melanie too.

They four placed their hands over her baby bump and the king started saying ..

" My precious grand daughter, your old grandfather loves you and adores to the most. Can you hear me dear .?"

When he spoke this, a sudden kick was felt inside her tummy and Melanie gasped in awe. It was for the first time that the baby had kicked her in all those 8 months of pregnancy.

Although, she had most of the times felt those faint movements of her baby , but It had never happened even with Ester. Only Melanie was able to connect with the child, but something was different today.

She was amazed and this didn't go unnoticed by the queen as she remarked…

“ looks like this child would love her grandfather to the most.”