Who Is Ozouf Part II

He rushed towards the bushes to have a better look and help the wounded lady, but got stunned by what he saw. There was a beautiful lady lying in the bushes all naked without a single piece of cloth over her body with her right arm bleeding profusely as the arrow was still stuck in her bone.

The more surprising thing was that she was transforming. She had a tail with a smooth white fur like hairs over her body which were disappearing slowly making her skin even more exposed.

Ozouf hurriedly recollected himself and sat down to her laying figure who was backfiring him. He hadn’t had a single glance of her face, but imagined that she must ne not less than a goddess assuming how smooth and tender sking looked.

His chain of thoughts broke when he heard the shrill cry of the naked woman and he diverted his eyes away from her naked figure. He took off his long coat which was hand-knitted by his so called human mother ( With whom he was living ) and hurriedly covered the lady.