Find The Designer

Despite of knowing all the truth that Supreme ancestor revealed to her husband, Luna Queen was still agonizing for her dear son and him being not blessed with a mate. She had always wanted Emerald to take over the throne after her husband’s retirement but it was also a fact that if he didn’t get his mate, he wouldn’t be accepted by the people of WEREALM.

This she had already witnessed on the day of his coronation ceremony . For how long they would be able to rule the kingdom!! For how long did her son have to suffer!!

She watched him controlling himself using the herbs whenever he was in his heat since many years. It was beyond a pain that you have to suppress your desire even after you have reached the perfect age. He was several times asked to have some omega females but he always denied saying that he won’t let down his mate, only Moon Goddess knew how miserable he was in those days. But he had learnt to control himself.