"Mate" Part I

Emerald entered into the pond which was ancestral and it’s water came straight from the heavens, that was what had always been told to him since he was a little kid. The moment it’s cold water touched his bare skin, he felt goosebumps running through whole of his body .

Soon after, he felt warmness running down all his veins making him feel relaxed and charged. This was the beauty of this heavenly pond. Its water was possessed numerous properties which were healing and rejuvenating for the one who stepped inside.

Being an alpha already, Emerald had unique number of powers in his stack but still there was no end to being powerful. Although he never wanted to seize all the powers from everywhere but it was his right and also the need for being a future king because you never know whom you are going to fight with. Challenges are always there whenever one wishes to take over the throne, may it be from your own people or from the outsiders.