You Have To Save Yourself And Her

“Looks like I have to talk to father, now."

said Emerald while the others were still looking at the thunderbolt which was making it difficult even to stand and was roaring like it would take away all the lives present out there.

" Jack , give me my phone . I need to talk to father ." ordered Emerald to his Beta while pacing inside the villa. Jack passed him the phone while Scarlet had settled herself in the waiting hall getting surprised as to how her life had changed within some hours.

"Father, how are you doing ?" said Emerald talking to his father over the phone who was so happy that his son dialed him at this pious moment.

" I am doing good son. Congratulations. You have got your mate." Jasper said congratulating his son and showing his happiness. But the other moment, he frowned because he knew as to no way his son was going to call him and tell him that he got his mate when he had already howled.