A Bad Dream

The young king assisted by his most trusted general Akhim marched forward with full determination to cross that barren and lifeless land. They weren’t aware as to how long was it going to take for them to cross it and see the life thriving possibly, still they went ahead.

Stepping into the area, so many things were going on inside their minds but none wanted to confess it to the other for both of them were men of firm determination and fear was the last thing they wanted to show each other.

The horses were no longer talking to the wind rather were walking slowly and the sound of them clip-clopping were no longer Audible because it was perfectly absorbed by the hot sand that seemed to be the most important feature of this land.

Both the men knew that this so called voyage was going to be long and tiring and to keep themselves sane, they had to do something besides just riding the horses and wandering their gazes all around this sandy area of the planet.