The Curse

“I want to know about my Late Father.” Egon’s throat had a huge lump, when he said those words to Evanora. Mentioning his dear father as late was the last thing he ever wanted to do. He gulped that huge lump and said those words with a cracked voice.

Evanora nodded in understanding and closed her eyes. Placing her both hands over that shining crystal ball, she chanted some spells, and asked Egon to keep his hands over the ball too. Egon followed her with heavy heart.

Soon, Evanora asked him to open his eyes. Egon opened his eyes and eyeballs became wider, as if they were ready to be popped out of their sockets. He wasn’t able to contemplate all those things inside his mind. How was that even possible.

Looking at Evanora in daze, he mumbled,

“How… !?”