First Impression Is The Last Impression

“GIVE ME HER NAME, NOW!!” Evanora almost asked the man ahead with greed to the fullest in her eyes. He narrowed his eyes, sensing the hidden feelings that were threatening to befall from her eyes and the muscles of her face were twitching, waiting for him to answer her as soon as possible. But the man, the snake-charmer wanted to confirm his thoughts, and hence, he choose to stay put and shut his mouth intentionally.

But the more he was taking time, the more Evanora was getting restless. She wasn’t able to wait further and questioned threatening him with her stares, which were now changing expressions bit by bit with every passing second,

“GIVE ME THE NAME NOW, IF YOU STILL WANT TO SURVIVE. If you won’t, then you know my ways. I am warning you for the last time. Don’t make the repeat myself again and again.”

Saying that she stepped aside, ready to rip his head from his body, if he dared to mess with her. But the other moment, when the man mumbled a name, her whole body froze.