Revelations Part II

“Hey, you are back so early? It’s like you just went there, handed her whatsoever she wanted and came back from the door itself.” Valor questioned Egon, who was just at the door steps of the rest house. He was just about to enter in, when Valor who had been sitting with Estella saw him, and asked him. Egon who looked lost and pathetic, was still bewildered and in his own world, got snapped out immediately and looked at Valor. He didn’t understand how and when he reached back, but just reached.

Not answering to his questions, Egon stepped in the balcony, only to spot Estella enjoying her morning tea, who just smiled warmly at him, which made his heart bleed. Never in his dream, he had a slightest bit of an idea that he would be reason of this sweet girl’s pain. Unknowingly, his lips formed into a warm smile, but it never reached his eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by Estella.

Approaching him, she touched his forehead looking worried,