Volume V- Pre-celebrational Preperations

“My Lady… My lady!” The faint sound of someone calling to her echoed in her ear drums shaking her off from the world of her sleep. Still, the Empress was finding it really hard to open her eyes and look at the one concerned. She turned a bit and dived again in the sleepy realm. But the one who had been calling her appeared to be in hurry and looked like it was some urgent matter that needed her concern. She was none other than Carol standing ahead of the huge bed with a letter in her hand. The letter was written over a silky piece of cloth just like in the ancient times and folded neatly to show the totality. One look at it was enough to let anyone in the Whole of DAWN MOUNTAINS that it was a royal letter. Because the letter from other werewolves and clans were never in red cloth. The red clothed letters were only reserved for the royal family and their concerned matters.