Brother and Father

“This gown would suit you more. I think you should put on black.” Veronica said helping Calista choose the dress for party; she had decided to mark her presence in. It’s been a while, and both the ladies were deadly occupied in choosing what to wear and what not to. Previously, it was decided that Calista would attend the party alone from her family, but after talking to Veronica she came to know that the girl was alone there too. Her brothers had been to the states and hence, she talked to Faust for letting Veronica accompany her to the party; for which he agreed without any second thoughts.

It was a relaxing situation for Faust too. Because if Veronica would be there with Calista, she would be able to keep an eye on her. Faust made sure that Veronica keep her vampire scent, while Calista would hide it and would behave like a human so as to blend in properly. Because he was the Lord of ROXFLOOD kingdom, nobody questioned his decision and Veronica too complied immediately.