The Doctor Friend

“I feel like having some days off too. Maybe you are right. I have been overworking myself.” Leevon agreed with Calista. He was having some nightmares since past months. This, overworking seemed to be a nice reason behind this, as his mind was not getting a tiny bit of rest in all those chaos. Also, his father had properly retried after his co-operation with the Roxflood corporations, as he believed in his son. This, work load was getting on his nerves these days.

It was pretty late in the evening. The couple headed towards their rooms. Despite they were lovers, but they wanted to keep a low profile. For others, they were still business associates who were getting along really well. So, sharing a room wasn’t even an option. Calista bid him a goodbye with a light peck over his cheeks, while he patted her head and smile gently, warming her heart.