The Monk Part I

Surprise…! No, Leevon was beyond surprised. Never had he imagined that the monk he was adamant on finding since the past two days and nights, would also be waiting for him. But why…! He had a purpose. What could be that the monk desired to have from him? Was it a good decision to come here..!

These kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind one after the another and he started to hesitate once again. Before he could step back, the sound again buzzed in his ears from inside,

“You don’t have to think much. Don’t doubt your determination. Think about why you came here. And step inside.” It was surely the same person who had asked him earlier to step into the hut. Once again, Leevon thought of those flashes and the worried face of his love- Calista appeared in front of his eyes. Without giving any other second thoughts, he pushed the door with one hand and stepped inside….. only to be stunned.