Decieving Love

Recommended song:

“Goodbye, My Lover by James Blunt**

Relatable quote- “I am ready to kiss death if it’s gifted by you.”

Calista kept on starting at Leevon; the man she loved dearly, the man she went against her father for, the man she yearned to marry, the man who just bedded her, the man for whom she gave away every fear and became vulnerable, the man who just promised to love her for eternity, but was now standing ahead of her, with a sharp dagger kissing the walls of her heart, smeared with royal blood; the latter was oozing out and staining her jewels studded gown slowly.

She didn’t feel the pain that dagger caused her or was still causing her; she was pained because Leevon stabbed her. His hands were glued to the wooden handle of that dagger, keeping it in place afraid of Calista plucking it out, while her hands still rested over his shoulders in that half-hug they shared before he deceived her.