Dead And Fallen

Recommended song:

**Let You Down (Instrumental) By NF**

The shallow breathing of Calista stopped the moment she whispered her last words to Leevon. Her face turned pale, and her lips carried a tinge of purple. She was a vampire, and now… a dead vampire. Soon, her mortal body would either away in the wind. The night was retiring along with the moonlight and the moon that witnessed this epic love, betrayal, and hopes, marking the onset of the morning sun.

Leevon was still glued to his spot, staring at her face. No tears, no expressions were visible on his face anymore. He was like a statue, a corpse. She didn’t die alone but took his soul with her. All he wanted to do was just wait… wait to meet his maker at the hands of King Faust or Prince Herbew; Calista's family.

His arms were still gripping her dead figure tightly, while her head rested in the crook of his neck. Wanting to feel her cold breaths, he was caressing her hair softly, stroking her ears now and then.