A Pathetic Empress

“No…My Lady, you are not pathetic. You are always the strong and dominating Empress. And Emperor had never left your side. He had always been there for you, with you, supporting you, motivating you, and encouraging you…” Carol's words were cut in the middle by Empress,

“But this time, he truly left, Carol.” She said holding Carol's hands that had been resting over her shoulder supporting her in this hurt time. Her voice had been cracking, and she barely managed to blurt those words with a sobbing tone.

“My… ‘Mate Mark' …Carol…Its, it’s gone for eternity.” She sobbed more hardly, choking on her saliva. Her legs were giving away and she had been trembling badly.

“But Emperor still have the Mark you gave him, Milady. Even if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. If one of the partners is marked, they always end up together…in all their lives. You are a queen, Milady. How can you forget that?” Carol tried hard to convince the sobbing lady.