The Meeting Part V

“You should rest more, aunty Carol. I and brother will handle everything. We will find out Grandmother and then I will feed those attackers to the warrior wolves.” Hammer said assuring Carol who had been grown impatient after she was awake and continued persisting to go to the Mountain castle to wait for Empress in case the latter arrived.

“Yes, you just need to tell us everything, Aunty Carol. Every little detail that you somehow remember from that night will do us great help.” Emerald said holding her hand softly.

Carol was still reconsidering everything. She although told Emerald about that night, but not everything. She wasn’t sure about anything she had heard. And she wasn’t convinced about the fact that Emerald wouldn’t dare to punish her for the lunatic move she had made that day by suggesting the old couple to not be mates any longer and took away the ‘Mate Mark' from Grand Empress.