The Meeting Part VII

“Alpha, we are at Luna’s. I mean everyone in her friend circle is here at her house.” Jack replied almost as a whisper afraid of getting caught by the other members for he wasn’t in any plausible situation to explain certain things to humans for sure.

“At her house?! Why?! Didn’t you get to see her at the University!” Emerald asked; his phone on speaker and working on some documents of the werewolf world. His father had been trying every possible means to find out the Grand Empress. The workload was all on Emerald’s shoulders now.

Jack stayed silent thinking about the probability of getting caught after he lied to Emerald about Scarlet’s absence from the university. Getting no response from the other side, Emerald turned suspicious and asked again in an authoritative voice making Jack flinch in his spot. The poor man-wolf got shrieked and blurted out everything almost instantly,