Calm Before The Storm Part I

“Emerald, what happened? Why are you suddenly asking about the book? Did you…did you find it?” Carol hauled up from the floor, this time properly, and approached Emerald who still was having his phone tucked to his ear, and Scarlet was listening to his huffs on the other side. Other than his huffs and curses, she wasn’t able to decipher much.

“No… I didn’t. But it was stolen.” Emerald announced and a sudden gasp left Carol’s mouth making her lips agape. She softly touched his shoulder and he looked at her with tired eyes, eyes that were screaming millions of emotions, all his successes, his failures, everything.

“Son, who stole it?” Carol was not certain but she needed to find it. Maybe it could help with missing Empress. It was her assumption, though.

“Scarlet’s professor,” Emerald replied. Scarlet was going insane on the other side. She called Emerald for help and here he was hopelessly engaged in a conversation with Carol. The hell.