When I became the T.A of Dr. Cooper I expected a lot of things. Being his slave on demand, carrying a single experiment over and over again until I dreamt of doing it in my underwear in front of a crowded restaurant, grading class test; cringing at some awkward answers, I even expected to be spit-balled by bored students but...

Being called ‘a total daddy’ by a gorgeous woman who was a couple of years older than me was not it!

Apparently it was hot to bend over a computer and ask students to stop painting in class hours.

Who did that anymore?

How was this a college?

I did not imagine; someone did brush their fingers on my butt.

Now, I had to check the mirror twice to make sure that the over-sized sweater covered my bum if I bent.

I hoped the specs would add years on my real age.

Tutoring people who were older than me was not how I thought my life would turn to.

Oh, well!

“He is here...he is here.” I could hear the hushed whispers from my cubicle a mile away.

“Mr. Scott. We have a doubt.”

I had not even put my foot inside the lab, yet.

Not the twins, not the twins...

Yup, the twins.

Of course!

The doubt turned out to be simple Boolean algebra!

But the thrust of boobs from one side and a semi hard dick from the other was anything but simple.

Could not they both stand on the same side of the table?

Then my life would not be my life, would it?

“Dr. Cooper said you would be ecstatic to teach us privately.”

Dear God! Save me!

That weasel!

I had a feeling they wanted me to teach something entirely different which was...not a compliment like my fellow classmates thought.

I meant in what universe did I come across as a top?

The boy-twin decided he had to push his butt on my face while picking up the pen he purposefully dropped in front of me.

I had to swallow the squeak or it would take away the age my specs tried real hard to add.

‘No man in his mid-twenties squeak like that.’

I could already hear them conspiring against me.

“I plan to start after-hour classes in our library for every struggling student irrespective of their year. You are more than welcome to join.”

Did the girl-twin just moan?

“We are struggling from our high school classes, Scotty.”

Who the fuck was Scotty?

I gulped and her eyes darkened.

“You see, I was the cheer-leading captain, all the thrusting and swirling took my school hours away, and my little brother...” She leaned on her brother seductively. “...was in the Gymnastics team, all the splitting and curving took his school-hours too.”

“, Mr. Scott, we need your help...” He bit his lips and pouted them “...really bad.”

“...and we do not do anything alone...” Why was her hand in his back pocket? Was that allowed? “...anything at all.”

“But we will make an exception for you...” they started to lean on me as I backed away.

“ can choose who you want to teach...” they blinked upon in me unison “...privately.”

Someone please help me.

I cleared my throat so it would not come out squeaky.

“You are no exception. Please be at the library by 5 p.m if you want extra help. Have a good day. Excuse me.”

If anything they looked more turned on.

It took everything in me not to take off running.

Jesus Fucking Christ!

Do not panic, Ace. Do not panic.

Students fed off on panic of teachers.

I had to call Dr. A and apologize for making his life a living hell. I was not an easy student to get along with.

Remember the time you started calling Dr. A as Uncle A, Ace? Yeah, never forget!

This was my karma.

In my hurry to get away from the twins I almost forgot about Dr. Lee’s class.

Why were they not taking actions against slacking teachers?

Private colleges with rich students also needed education.

I prayed to come off this session less molested.

From the looks of it, I was going to.

“It is okay.”

“No, sir. It is not okay. I will help you remove the stain.”

She did that on purpose. I saw this emo girl running towards my direction from far. I stopped walking two whole minutes before she reached me.

How was that an accident when she threw her coffee cup on me and groped me pretending to fall?

“I was in hurry to get to your class, Mr. Scott. I am sorry. I will clean your sweater for you.”

“No, thank you. Please be seated.”

I was fucked!

My lab was hundreds of miles away from this class. There was no way I could go back to my cubicle and get my back-up sweater or I would lose half of my teaching time.

Why I had a back-up sweater? My life was miserable. That was why.

So, should I teach with the stain or risk meeting The Twins again?


I took of my sweater and casually kept in on my shoulder and got into the class.

There was a collective gasp from several students.

“Did the strength of the class increase?” I asked no one in particular.

“Yes, sir. My length increased.” I pretended not to hear that.

“New student?” I asked a timid looking girl in the back. “I have never seen you in my class before.”

“She is a chemistry major.” A collective roar of laughter went as a wave.

I placed my stained sweater on my chair and turned around.

I felt violated and I was merely stared at.

“How many students are not from this department?”

No one rose their hands and I crossed my hands and waited.

Slowly one by one rose their hands ducking their head behind others.


Nobody moved at first, but I was not going to stand here as a stripper for them to perv on.

It took a total of ten minutes for the troublemakers to leave.

“I am not your professor but a teaching assistant. The only reason I was asked to teach you these subjects is because, there were several complaints from ‘you’ on not being able to follow your regular classes.”

I maintained eye contact to each and every one of them making them squirm.

“This class will be dispersed indefinitely if you are not here to study, so I can solely focus on my own studies. If there is someone who does not need this class, please leave.”

Absolute silence.

“Am I clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

I nodded and turned around to the white board.

“He is a dom. I am telling you. It is his dominant voice.” Someone whispered from the front seat.

Please kill me!

Did I trade one hell for another?