“Will he be there?”

Jason sighed. “No, he is in Belgium. I checked.”

I was sceptic. He clearly knew Jason and I talked, and mom had insisted to attend this party. If he wanted me, this would be the perfect time.

Goosebumps erupted on my arms.

What if?

Belgium was a possibility, but why would he let Jason know? He went to Brazil for a three-day trip and Jason only came to know about it after he had come back.

“Please, come, Dave. Mom begged me to convince you. You know, how she could get.”

“How is Liz, Jace? She coming?”

“Promise me not to get mad.”

I rolled my eyes. “This is not the first time, Jace. I am not going to get mad for that.”

Jace was silent.

I narrowed my eyes. “What is it?”

“You know the jerk?”

Well, I knew the jerk and he was in Belgium according to Jason.

“The Jerk.”

What had Liz do with...


Jace sighed.

“Yes, he is trying to get back with her. He is now a professional football player. Claims to love her and all. Liz is kind of bending.”

“Do not let her. Give me his name, Jace. The only reason I never tried to snoop in was because Liz had moved on and I find it disturbing to invade her privacy. This is getting ridiculous.”

“She can handle it, Dave. Worry about yourself first. You will be there for the party, right? She might bring the jerk.”

“Count me in.” He was not hurting Liz ever again.

How dare he come for her!

I missed her a lot.

She was a junior scientist at NASA. She got accepted to their integrated doctoral programme because of our project.

NASA extended the programme to me also, but that was not what I wanted. I did not know I had interests in business until Jason stumbled upon me. But we could not start over own firm unless I had completed my studies.

We talked to our mom.

“Okay bro, I have to go. Mom is searching for me.” He hung up the phone and I walked to my favourite diner.

When was the last time I cooked?

Too long ago. But this diner was the second best. They cooked with fresh produce, and their food did not have that disgusting umami taste.


It was that guy!

That guy from the bar. What was he doing here?

If I ducked behind the flower pot he might not see...

He waved and smiled.

I quickly checked praying someone else was behind.


He was walking towards me. How was I supposed to behave now?

If I pretended not to know him, he would go away right? I was drunk out of my mind after all.

If I had a plan I had to start acting right now, or he would reach me.

A few minutes of trying desperately to find an excuse I noticed that I was standing at the door awkwardly.

I got in and expected him to be near.

I frowned when I saw him on a single chair by the corner.

He gave me polite smile and turned away to his drink.

I was relieved that he did not try to brush up ‘old memories.’

I quickly got my usual and tested if he was looking at me.

He was not.

Thank God!

Awkward byes were more awkward than awkward hellos.

I was about to enter the lab, when I wondered if I was rude.

I meant, the guy got me inside a cab and took me to my place safely.

He even personally dropped me off.

I did not even bother to bid him a good bye or share the cab fare.

I had no idea what his name was or where his place was.

What if his home was on the opposite side and he went through a lot of trouble because he felt guilty of getting me drunk?

Oh, god!

Then I clearly made him uncomfortable enough, not to reach me!

But he lied to me.

I did not say him my place. I remembered clearly.

So, it kind of cancelled out, right?

It did!

For a moment I was so guilt-ridden.

“Oh, dear god!” I whispered trying to control the irritation that passed through.

Were those lunch boxes? And flowers, and pens with caps shaped like hearts, there were even a fluffy looking handcuffs on my desk.

I had to check my personal laptop in my room and find the culprits. I could not risk doing it now, for it was kind of illegal to plant concealed cameras in college premises.

But my virtue was at stake.

I shivered remembering some of the advances by the students.

I wished I was back at high school were no one bothered me. Part of the reason might be; everyone in high school knew my family unlike here.

I sighed and picked up a trash bag.

“Told you! Pay up.” I saw my fellow classmates Rupert and Ned at the door.

“We will take it from here.” Ned snatched the lunch box from me.

“Please be my guest.” I whole heartedly welcomed both of them inside.

“I honestly do not know, what you are doing here, David. You are here a couple of months early, why not have some fun?”

This was not the first time the same discussion was brought up.

I sighed. “I technically will receive my graduation certificates next month only. So, the Dean cannot enrol me in the programme yet. I am here for some extra credits and help them with the final years.”

“I do not get you man! I spent one whole year sleeping, or that is all I could remember doing anyways.” Ned stuffed his face with Lasagne.

“Pay up before you eat.” Rupert demanded and Ned gave him five dollars.

“The idiot bought this new PS and is tight on cash, I told him that you had our lunch covered.” I bit into my sandwich as they both inhaled the ‘gifts’ from my students.

“Oh, do not throw away the pens either. We should consider environmental pollution, you know. If you are going to pollute at least use what it is worth.” Rupert announced proudly and pinned a hello-kitty pen on his breast pocket.

Ned snorted and pulled up the hand-cuffs.

“I wish I could pull off the twink-Dom aura you have, David. Chicks dig it. Remember, Rup, David here basically asked that big booby girl to fuck off and she bit her fingers like this.” Ned bit his little finger and swished his chest left and right imitating her.

I cringed. “Please, I am trying to eat here.”

“Oh Dr. Jones was crossing and uncrossing his legs all through his presentation. Thank God, he has a tiny wiener or the bulge might put a hole on his suit-pants.”

They laughed real hard.

“But we don’t think you like that, okay? Some people tend to take it too far. We got you. Julian said you are uncomfortable around The Sluts. Want us to talk to them?” Rupert asked without looking at me.

“Yeah, we got you bro.” Ned nodded enthusiastically. “But please do not ask the students to stop bringing lunch. You do not know, how much the food costs around here.”

“I have asked them countless times and they bring different cuisine every time. But who are The Sluts?”

“Ooooh, everyone is a slut for the player boy, huh?” Ned pushed my shoulder and almost threw me off the chair if Rupert did not pull me back.

“Lilly Cater and Leon Carter. The twins. You are the only one to turn them down. And they are not taking rejection well.”

I sighed.

“No, no... Julian took over that class. And he is doing well. Are they really sluts? I think they just want attention.”

Even though they could come off as very sexual beings, there was vulnerability they were trying real hard to hide. From what I had seen, they were all each other had; to a point where they micro-managed each other’s lives.

Julian thought so too.

So, as long as they stayed away from my privates, I was not going to make their life miserable.

“All jokes aside, tell us if you need any help, yeah. Ned, here, is kind of worried about you.”

I smiled, it was good to have friends.