“One more time, guys, once more. One two... three four... skip... five six... seven eight... swirl. Again! eight seven... six five... skip... four three... one two... swirl.”

We all stretched when the instructor corrected some dancers who were still not getting it.

“Good job, everyone. Maya, you are seducing your crush through dance. Wiggle your forefinger a bit, you are not asking him to follow you to punch him on the face.”

Everyone laughed including Maya. “Sorry, Hell.”

Helen, our instructor waved away her apology. “Okay, now with the music. Ready, one... two...three...”

Who said dancing was no exercise? My waist was killing me. I changed my clothes and tightened the belt a bit to ease the back pain.

I drank mineral water like I walked through Sahara because apparently plain water after a heavy workout will reduce our electrolyte concentration and make us feel dizzy, at least that was what Helen said.

“Yo, David. A word please.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Call me Helen, or Hell. Are you sure you had no proper upbringing in dance? You dance pretty well for a self-taught swan.”

I smiled. “Yes, Helen, I was this nerd kid with too much free time at home, so...”

“Why the management said you are not interested in programmes or professionally following this path? You have potential. Rough around the edges, but I can help you with that. This is an advanced class and you dance better than half of the strength. Pretty big deal considering you are here only for two weeks. You would have done much better in ballet if you were young but... Not that I am not happy to have you, ballet is not my dance, I am glad you are my student.”

“Thanks, Helen, but... I am an engineering student; I am here for some exercise. Dance is my hobby.”

“That is a shame, you could reach places. But, I would rather have a passionate student than an uptight gonna-be-diva.” I followed her line of sight and chuckled seeing Vanya glaring at us. She was a model and had acted in some series. Gossip mail said she was the next big deal in Hollywood.

But, the girl was not uptight. She was funny and all around a polite girl except with Helen.

“The problem might be you, Helen.”

“Yeah, she hates my guts. I think she is homophobic. I do not even touch her but she goes all angry when I touch others. Whatever...”

“I think that is the problem.” I mumbled.

“What? They have no issues, I have to correct postures and sometimes I have to touch.” Helen was not getting it. I sighed.

“Helen, the problem is, you’re not touching her but all the others.”

Good five million years later, her jaw dropped.

I laughed. “Good luck.”

I winked and walked to Vanya. “Hell was asking for you.”

I squished down the jealousy that came when I saw them talking and blushing. What was Tristian doing? He might be making silly jokes and stuffing his face with asparagus.

I chuckled. Dante better treat him right!

The decision to attend the dance class actually came from him. Tristian said the passion never truly loses but we forget to brush up the reasons why we were passionate about it.

So, here I was.

One day I woke up at 3.15 in the morning, corrected the class work, marked class tests, proof read seminar papers before going to class at 8 a.m.

By evening, I was restless. I had nothing to do!

Now that my own semester had started the Dean had cut short my teaching hours which I was thankful for then. But...

Time was not moving at all.

If Tristian was here we would have gone to see some sights. I took Ned and Rupert out for dinner because I was going crazy sitting alone.

Hence, the dance class.

Could not say it was for naught. I got good exercise. I found people who were really good at dancing and since I was not trying to take away their spots in future, everyone was happy to meet me.

I still woke up around 3 in the morning, but I was dead tired every day I forgot what woke me up, which was good.

“Sir, sir... you dropped this.” I skinny guy ran to me stretching my wallet in his hands.

“Oh.” I snatched it. How the hell did I drop it! I thought it was in my bag.

The thing was mine, though, with platinum ‘T’ in front. It was a gift from mom when I got “Best Innovator” award from M.I.T.

“Please let me...” I should give the man some money or buy him some refreshment or something.

“No, no. I have to go.” The guy ran away; the way he came from.

“Thank you.” The guy did not even hear.

I was really so distracted now-a-days.

Mostly because my paranoid mind keep telling me that someone was following me all the time, which was ridiculous.

The jock boy got himself a boyfriend. At first I thought it might be a poor soul he black mailed, like he tried to do to me. Found them cuddling in the park, where Tristian and I used to have lunch. The boy was looking at Jock like he hung up the moon... and sun... and stars.

So, see, no one was following me.

I got myself a chamomile tea and a cake from nearby bakery. Chamomile helped with sleep according to google. Cake helped with happiness.

I cut short on my coffee intake, again Google said, it would affect my sleep cycle.

It was only when I reached dorm and placed the cake on the counter, checking the bill did I notice I paid for the cake from the wallet in my bag.

Then what about the wallet in my back pocket, the guy gave me?

I gulped down the nervousness rapidly.

Stop, the drama, Ace... You put the wallet in the bag remember? You did.

Then what the hell was the weight in my back pocket?

Nothing, it was nothing.

I took shallow breaths. Everything was fine.

There were no extra wallets. Then why was I not checking?


I took my bag and my wallet was in there. I placed it on the counter top, near the cake.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt my jeans weighing a pound.

I took ‘that thing’ out with trembling hands.

It was the exact replica of mine. How? Mom’s gift was customised and hand-made.

And who knew how my new wallet looked like. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Please, when I opened my eyes again, let it be poof.

Or at least this be a nightmare.

I opened my right eye and peeked. Nope, the thing was there.

A card was poking out of it. How did I know what it would be before taking it out?

Hi Angel.

On the other side was ‘Giant R with A’
