“Daym son, where dya find dis?” Hell slapped Vanya’s butt, making her scream.

I cracked up. “That... was... so bad.”

Our street performance was a blast. I was so pumped up. My dance was well received, there was enough audience and they applauded really well.

But Hell, Vanya, Jing, Liam and Manu did a piece on domestic abuse and stole the lime light. Everyone was in tears, including me. I saw a man clutching his sleeping child watching this dance slash drama and crying soundlessly.

It was touching.

The dance was about a family where domestic abuse was a normal thing and a child growing up in that family finally fell in the hands of a paedophile when she searched for attention, love and care outside her home. It was tragic, magnificent, haunting, there were no enough words.

I hated the dance and loved it, the same time. It was more amazing because we dancers did not know about what others were playing. Hell was one awesome choreographer.