Robbie and I were in a good place or... a very bad place depending on how it was looked at. We kind of settled in a living-together-with-my-boyfriend-but-we’re-keeping-it-a-secret lifestyle.

There was no talking involved, we just found the rhythm naturally. We both went through our schedules and decided where to spent the night. More often than not, it would at Robbie’s penthouse unless I had very early classes. Wherever it was, Robbie was only adamant spending every possible seconds together.

I liked it.

I loved that we got to eat dinner together, I loved that he was here when I woke up in the middle of the night, I loved to go shopping with him, loved to clean up the mess he made every single day though it drove me crazy... it was like living a fantasy life. Add in a cute Pomeranian dog, no one would ask if we were a couple.