the Fight for survival


Cauchemar is the French name for a creature that appears throughout European stories. Called Mahr in Germany, Ephialtes ("the Leaper") in Greece and the Nightmare in England, this demon violates something very precious to us: a good night's sleep. It jumps on the chests of sleeping humans, inflicting pain and crushing the life out of them. The sleeper wakes suddenly, feeling the heavy pressure against his chest and unable to move. The effects of a Cauchemar are easily noticeable: exhaustion and agitation combined with a refusal to go to sleep at night. Various wards against the demon exist, such as placing iron nails in the mattress and putting shoes at the side of the bed with the toes pointing out. Now you know what's been happening all those nights natsumi close her book then look at the small young boy looking at him " now its time for you to go to sleep " hafiz nods as he walk otwards his bed room noticing there some monk making some talisman for the next cleasing house yet to come natsumi notice how the weather is unkind today towards her as the shrine shake when the wind blow around it shooking it really hard natsumi and the other monks barricade the door and window to embrace them self cause of the stromy wind

The wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure which is mainly caused by temperature difference. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. On a rotating planet, air will also be deflected by the Coriolis effect, except exactly on the equator. Globally, the two major driving factors of large-scale wind patterns (the atmospheric circulation) are the differential heating between the equator and the poles (difference in absorption of solar energyleading to buoyancy forces) and the rotation of the planet. Outside the tropics and aloft from frictional effects of the surface, the large-scale winds tend to approach geostrophic balance. Near the Earth's surface, friction causes the wind to be slower than it would be otherwise. Surface friction also causes winds to blow more inward into low-pressure areas.[1][2]

Winds defined by an equilibrium of physical forces are used in the decomposition and analysis of wind profiles. They are useful for simplifying the atmospheric equations of motion and for making qualitative arguments about the horizontal and vertical distribution of horizontal winds. The geostrophic wind component is the result of the balance between Coriolis force and pressure gradient force. It flows parallel to isobarsand approximates the flow above the atmospheric boundary layer in the midlatitudes.[3] The thermal wind is the difference in the geostrophic wind between two levels in the atmosphere. It exists only in an atmosphere with horizontal temperature gradients.[4] The ageostrophic windcomponent is the difference between actual and geostrophic wind, which is responsible for air "filling up" cyclones over time.[5] The gradient wind is similar to the geostrophic wind but also includes centrifugal force (or centripetal acceleration).[6] (wiki)

Easterly winds, on average, dominate the flow pattern across the poles, westerly winds blow across the mid-latitudes of the earth, polewards of the subtropical ridge, while easterlies again dominate the tropics.

Directly under the subtropical ridge are the doldrums, or horse latitudes, where winds are lighter. Many of the Earth's deserts lie near the average latitude of the subtropical ridge, where descent reduces the relative humidity of the air mass.[26] The strongest winds are in the mid-latitudes where cold polar air meets warm air from the tropics Wind power density[wiki)

Nowadays, a yardstick used to determine the best locations for wind energy development is referred to as wind power density (WPD). It is a calculation relating to the effective force of the wind at a particular location, frequently expressed in terms of the elevation above ground level over a period of time. It takes into account wind velocity and mass.[58] At the end of 2008, worldwide nameplate capacity of wind-powered generators was 120.8 gigawatts.

Yazawa Masayuki is young wife of the shrine leader of the kenichi giving brith to a young female maiden also the future of the kenichin shrine that was the founder of the shrine and bloodline of demons,angle and human making them a hybird of three different race that makes them the leader of the town and in charge of the town. she has blue long hair that is a rare hair colour for japanese her height is 165 weight 5`8 normal t shirt and short skirt .

Mochizuki Kenichi a middle age priestes with black hair and white eyes bluk and tall old but smart kind but fearless talented in hare purification

Harae or harai (祓 or 祓い) is the general term for rituals of purification in Shinto. Harae is one of four essential elements involved in a Shinto ceremony.[1] The purpose is the purification of pollution or sins (tsumi) and uncleanness (kegare).[2] These concepts include bad luck and disease as well as guilt in the English sense.

Harae is often described as purification, but it is also known as an exorcism to be done before worship.[2] Harae often involves symbolic washing with water, or having a Shinto priest shake a large paper shaker called ōnusa or haraegushi over the object of purification. People, places, and objects can all be the object of harae.(wiki)

the meaning of hare

Harae stems from the myth of Susano-o, the brother of the Sun goddess Amaterasu. According to the myth, while Amaterasu was supervising the weaving of the garments of the gods in the pure weaving hall, Susano-o broke through the roof and let fall a heavenly horse which had been flayed. This startled one of her attendants who, in her agitation, accidentally killed herself with the loom's shuttle. Amaterasu fled to the heavenly cave Amano-Iwato. Susano-o was subsequently expelled from heaven and Amaterasu's sovereignty resumed. The traditional Shinto purification ritual harae is represented when Susano-o is removed from heaven.[3]


There are various ways in which harae is practiced. In Ise Grand Shrine, "the holiest of all Shinto shrines",[4] wooden charms named ō-harai, another name for harae or harai, are hung all over the shrine.[5]

In all Shinto religious ceremonies, harae is performed in the beginning of the ritual to cleanse any evil, pollution or sins away before anyone gives offerings to the kami. Often, water and salt are used for the ceremonies to rinse hands and the face, as well as the shrine before it is prepared with offerings of goods and food.[6] Then the priest, along with the rest of the participants of the ritual chant a solemn liturgy before the assistant priest purifies the offerings using a wand called haraigushi.[7](wiki)