(Chapter 1) Arrival of South Conqueres Army

and then after waking up I yelled and went for the kit and Eddie with me are expecting some Good News, hearing it Danny fainted and Bill lost it and Seth laughed and smilies at Eddie's directions and Zack lost in too and we decided to boost a morale called the Party and Gathering with other Gaels Greaser Gangs and some allies.

and then soon The Keg was established in and we began talking around and laughing out families were unexpectedly happy whereas King Sopu joined us all for fun and we began a round of laughing and joking around town and all that stuff and enjoying life and then a shooting happened and nobody is injured and Miles Teller attacked us all and shot down the windows calling out another fight with us and claiming this apartment is now his territory and will be under his control and began to publically beat a Child Prostitute who Danny saved with a Baseball Bat.

Enraged Danny called him out to a fight and Danny was ambushed by 6 guys and a brawl began around and Danny using Axe Handles began to hunt down South Conqueres and South Conqueres after another and till the brawl needed to end was when Police came by and arrested south conqueres and Kent them to Jail Time for hours.

Cold Time Finn began to plot a plan and decided to fool his army into attacking him by studying South Conqueres Members one after another and began shooting in secret like from Criminals - Assassins and took down many South Conqueres and blamed South Conqueres for it since they have a History of this since Utah Chapters have always killed their own around more than rivals and innocents and police they are that gang that targets innocents too.

and shooters were taken down and from a Wallet of South Conqueres Leader cash was stolen the same day and put in someone's purse but he got killed except I saved him and confessed the truth and called The Yakuza and Bikers aiding us back-up and defeating South Conqueres again.

we brawled but they came with the intent to kill and rape and we needed to fix this thing now and I talked with Miles Teller who attempted to rape me but I smashed his jawline and called Alexander and Bill who took me away and war was about to get on and Finn sides with us and his gang is unified with us as well.