U.R World 4

Mama what are you doing? Wren i'm teaching this animal how to do tricks do you want to try? Mama i want to!! alright,alright come here.

Shes a gifted person named Wren an 18 years old girl who know a lot , Who know why she is acting a cute kid.

For she call it an animal even tho its not just an animal in a legend this animal was know as 9 tailed fox they call this animal because seeing a legend animal is very easy to them to see.

Wren born at a little land most human do not know this place as if they forgot about them.

Mama i'm going out a bit is that okay? its fine Wren , Then i be going.

Die is the onlyway to enter to This Trial even if you like its or not.

Hmmm~ ohhh a mermaid!! hello.

Wren move forward at the mermaid and say why are you hiding at the water every time the sun will rise? mermaid said its not hot in water than the suface that what the mermaid said  , At the time pass Wren mother call her to go home but when Wren going to stand up the mermaid cruelly take Wren to the bottom off the ocean dying slowly until she drown.

A person that have a gift must enter This Trial even if you like it or not.