When a lot of people start to scream, shin encounter the myterious being and that mysterious being start to play a game.
human if you want to get out here let's play a game.
The game is simple the first one who blink will die.
An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
The first one who blink, who die.
This trial have one thing of purpose to beat your spirit, if you lack of courage and not brave enough how can you pass the other trial.
But this trial is next to impossible the 'Zone of Sight' have a million.
Remember the game is simple whoever blink first who will die.
But their no rules you can do anything you want as long as your don't blink you be fine.
That's why shin start with 'Fire', burn the eye to win without blinking.
Within the dark a fire appear and spread everywhere and when fire spead a fire is closely going to the eye when the fire was near to it the eye was close and the other too. The game is simple don't blink and you will survive but whoever blink first will die.
The room full of eye was raining of blood.
The gifted suvive 206.