Chapter 16: Training Time

As Obed was going to his dormitory, smiles were showing on his face because he was glad to hear from his uncle after his parents died during the war with the aliens. As Obed reached the dormitory, he noticed that it wasn't closed he entered.

When he entered he saw Florence and Joyce in there waiting for only God knows who. Florence and Joyce held Obed and dragged him to where they were sitting. "Why did they call you," asked Joyce.

"Did that boy report you to Miss Pearl?", asked Florence.

Questions were flying to and fro to Obed and Obed told them to calm down that it was only his uncle that wanted to talk to him on phone.

"You have an Uncle," said Joyce

Yep, I taught I didn't but I now know that I have.

As soon as they were talking, Chris and Michael also came into the dorm to ask the same question Joyce and Florence asked him and he provided them with the same answer as he told Joyce and Florence. Just then Michael began to ignore questions and brought out a funny joke. As he said the joke, they all started laughing and encouraged Michael to say more jokes.

As they were all laughing a message appeared on the watches of Obed, Michael, Joyce, and Florence. The message read all students are to return to the training room this instant. Soon Obed gathered his squad as they all rushed to the training room.

When they arrived it looked like everyone else received the message which was from the training room teacher, Ben. Obed saw the leader whom he fought with the other time. When the leader saw him, he immediately moved behind the crowd for he knows what Obed is capable of doing As the students were murmuring Ben had appeared from the back door

Ben shouted at the top of his voice and said, Quiet. The students then kept quiet as they were about to listen to what Ben had to say. Ben then calmed down and said, today we have training but we are not going to a different world for now. Go and take your weapons and begin training.

Obed went to retrieve his weapon which he used on the alien the other time. Soon, Michael, Florence, Chris, and Joyce came to where Obed was and began training. Obed trained hard more than everyone else in the room not for training sales but to be able to level his weapon to level 2.

After an hour of training, Ben then called it a day and the students went to place their weapons at the exact spot where they retrieved them. After doing that, they all left the room to their respective dormitories.