Chapter 20: A Red World

Obed and Michael as usual woke up from bed, had their bath, and headed for the cafeteria. When Obed reached the cafeteria, students seemed to get mesmerized by Obed.

Everywhere Obed passed he could hear the name life sucker. A smile appeared on Obed's face and so as Michael because he knew his friend was getting hyped. Other students were solicitous about the life sucker guy.

Soon the level 5 and 6 students wanted to know who this life sucker guy is. Before taking his food, the siren blared for an announcement which said, "after closing all class A and B students would be going to the new red world."

The students who were in A and B classes were bonhomie but the level 5 and 6 students in the second and third year felt aghast. They knew what was ahead of these students but they were vowed not to tell the first years because this was a high training test.

Obed and Michael couldn't believe their ears. A Red planet, what at all is there that we are going to have our training there.

Obed asked his system if it knows any info about this red planet. The system checked and finally came out with an answer. The red planet contains world varieties of aliens ranging from beginners to advanced. These aliens decided to stay here to monitor the earthlings so that on the day of war they would know their tactics. "So far, only a few people have stepped foot on the red planet and a lot died with only two survivors," said the System.

"And who is this survivor," asked Obed. "Ben the training room teacher," said his system. "Ben," said Obed. "Are you saying Sir Ben survived on the red planet, unbelievable?," asked Obed. "And who is the second person," said Obed. At first, the system didn't want to tell Obed but then Obed insisted, who is the second person?

The system then broke its silence and said to Obed, "your Uncle." Obed was aghast when he heard the words which came out of the system. "My Uncle also has an ability," said Obed. "Yes, I mean No said the system your uncle didn't have any ability. He was just a swordsman," said his system.

Obed then kept quiet for a minute to calm down. Michael came to Obed asked him if he would eat, Obed didn't respond to him because he was in a state of disbelief that his Uncle was a swordsman.

Obed thanked his system and left the cafeteria leaving Michael behind. Because of this, Obed didn't come to class but waited till it was closing before he would go to the training room to grab his weapon.

Soon, it was closing. Obed went to the training room and grabbed his weapon. He also allowed his system to upgrade his weapon. Obed weapon was now at its intermediate state. When Obed got out of the room, he meet his crew and they were all staring at him in a sad state. "Chris isn't part of this training," said Michael. He is suffering from a severe cold and would be discharged in two days.

As soon as Michael said this, Obed replied by saying ok, and then Sir Ben appeared from the school park. Once again, Sir Ben use his remote to open a door leading to the red planet. One by one the students followed and as Obed was about to enter, his system warned him about the intermediate and advanced level aliens that if he kills one, the crystal in the alien must be taken and stored. Obed then told the system that he does not have a place to store items. Then the system creates a storage pack for him in his system. Obed thanked the system and he suddenly walked into the door of the red planet.