After two days of training in the red planet, classes A and B were back to school. People from different classes came to ask class A and B how their expedition was. Others ed how the red planet was like and whether there were aliens or not. As the students were murmuring, Miss Pearl, Sir Ben, and Sir Nate also arrived at the school. As soon as they arrived, the door shut behind them and vanished completely.
Miss Pearl gathered the whole school around for a specific announcement. The students gathered around, Miss Pearl told the students they were glad to return home. The whole school used Miss Pearl and the welcoming students from the training trip.
But there is one more thing I would like to add, said Miss Pearl. Obed Gore, how many of you know him. A few students shot up their hands while most of them had their hands down. Well, said Miss Pearl, "unfortunately, we were attacked by an intermediate alien." "Eventually, Obed came to our rescue and killed the alien," she continued. The students then applauded hoping to hear Miss Pearl mention Obed's name to come forward. "But unfortunately," Miss Pearl continued, "a plant ate him and we could see his uniform with some bloodstain on it." The students now bowed their heads. People who knew Obed cried when hearing the message whiles people who didn't know him just bowed down their heads to show their last respect to Obed.
"Because of this, today there would be no class," said Miss Pearl. Anyone who feels like training should head to the training room and those who feel like gaming should go to the VR Room. After Miss Pearl had finished saying this, she then dispersed the students and went to the sickbay. When Miss Pearl got there, she went straight to Gifty and congratulated her for her good work done for ensuring security in the institution.
Miss Pearl then told Gifty and the Obed student and the incident. Gifty felt heartbroken as she heard the story. Miss Pearl wanted to inform Obed's Uncle and his son's death but Gifty had to inform Miss Pearl not to inform his Uncle it else the school would be in trouble for not protecting his son from dying.
A lot of people didn't come to the VR room today because life sucker was the main admirer of his fans or supporters. Because of the death of life sucker, the crowd which used to come to the VR room refused to its barest minimum.
In the dormitory, Michael, Joyce, and Florence were silent throughout the day. They didn't eat the whole day. The only thing that made Obed's crew happy was the fact that they had returned to school or should I say back to Earth.