Chapter 29: A Shocking Return

Obed and Linda were in the portal after being transported from the red planet. They were known on their way to Panster school on Earth. In the portal, Obed asked Linda how many minute or hours it would take them to reach Earth. Linda calculated on the portal and said, "it will take us seventeen (17) hours to reach the planet Earth." Obed then sat in the portal as he heard the words that came out of Miss Pearl's mouth.

Meanwhile, on Earth, today was a good day. Florence, Joyce, and Michael managed to go to the cafeteria to eat. It's been one month since Obed's death and his crew hadn't been to the cafeteria. As they went to the cafeteria, they got themselves some yogurt and pie. They all sat at one table and started to eat. After 4 minutes, they all finished eating and headed back to their respective classrooms. Today Florence went alone unlike the other days wherever she would be walking with Obed and holding hands.

As Florence entered the classroom, everyone was in a dull state. When Miss Pearl came to the class to teach, she noticed that the students weren't cooperative. The same thing was also found in Joyce and Michael's class. No one was paying attention to Sir Nate's teachings and he also recognized that.

After 3-4 hours of learning, the siren rang for break, and almost most of the students were still in class. None of the students in class A and class B never moved a muscle except for the second and third-year students. Miss Pearl had never seen this kind of mood ever since she was moved to the school. Later on, the siren rang for a break over, and learning continued to take place.

Meanwhile, in the portal, it was left with a few minutes before they would come to Panster school. Obed was getting prepared for the ultimate opportunity of seeing his friends. Linda decided to give Obed a long black robe to put on. Obed thanked her and put in the robe.

In the school, after 3-4 hours of learning the siren rang for closing and all the students were heading to their dormitories. As they were going Miss Pearl summoned all the first-year students for an urgent message. As they summoned around, Miss Pearl decided to ask the students whether she should information his Uncle or not. Most of the students were against Miss Pearl's idea whiles others supported her idea. As Miss Pearl was about to finalize her motion, a loud sound was heard in the school. All the students went outside the school and saw a portal. Soon, the portal opened, and out came Linda. After Linda had come out, Obed finally followed up in his long robe. Miss Pearl got out of the room and asked, "who are you?" "I'm Linda." "And the boy behind you is," asked Miss Pearl.

Then, Obed unveiled himself to the school. Florence, Michael, and Joyce saw Obed's face and were shocked to see him. "A ghost," said a student. Florence and Joyce then shouted, "Obed, you're alive."