Chapter 31: A Demonic Bird

The next morning, Obed's system woke him up with a good morning tone. When Obed woke, he noticed that Michael and Chris were still in their bed sleeping. Wood, Obed's pet was still sleeping. Obed woke Michael and Chris up for them to take a shower. Michael and Chris got up from their beds and fully stretched themselves. They both went for their sponge and towel and they all headed for the bathroom. As they were about to step out of the dormitory, Wood woke up and wanted to follow Obed because that was his master. Obed told asked Wood to stay in the dormitory. Wood followed Obed's orders and stayed in the room. The boys then headed to the bathroom.

When they reached the bathroom, the boys then went to take a shower. After they finished bathing they went to the dormitory to get dressed for school. Obed realized his uniform was torn when he was on the red planet. Obed had a spare uniform and put it on.

When the boys finished, Obed took Wood with him and placed him in his bag. Because Wood was just a little flying creature, it was easy for him to be put in. Obed closed his bag zip but not to the fullest because Wood wouldn't get some air to breathe. The boys left the dormitory and headed for the cafeteria. Today's snack was Coke and hamburger. When the boys took their snack, they noticed Linda, Joyce, and Florence at the last end of the table. The boys went to where they were sitting. Obed greeted Linda and Linda responded with a greeting. The students who were at other tables saw Obed's group and one of them said, "they are a family altogether. Just look at them, see how they do everything together. Eat, train, and so on." There and then, one of the students slapped his hand and asked them, "so do you wanna join them or what?" "No, I don't," said the students. Obed looked at the students who were talking about them and started to giggle. "Why are you giggling," said Joyce? "Nothing, I just remembered something that's all," said Obed. Linda was enjoying her time in Panster school.

It was time to head back to classes. The group then went to their respective classrooms. Linda was placed in Class A which was Obed's classroom. Florence was also in class A so they took Linda to the classroom. As they were heading towards the classroom, Obed received a message from his system. It read;

A Demonic Bird is approaching. Kill it before it's too late. Over didn't understand why his system sent him the message. Soon Obed heard students shouting from outside and the whiles school rushed out. Obed now saw the demonic bird, the one which his system talked about. What is a demonic bird doing in the school? Joyce, Michael, and Chris came to where Obed, Linda, and Florence were. I've never seen a bird like this before, said Joyce. Obed then uses his inspection skills to inspect the bird.

Bird Demonic

Level Tier Beast

Ability ???????

Obed didn't know what level or ability this bird has but his system had informed him to kill it. As the students were watching it, Obed shouted to the students to run that it was dangerous. One of the students made a mockery of him and the students started to laugh except for his members. I think we better leave before this thing kills someone. As Obed's crew was leaving, one of the students decided to touch the bird. When he got closer and touched it, the student's face was now demonic. The only orders he could listen to was the bird. Florence, Chris, Linda, Joyce, and Michael were shocked to see what had happened. "I think this is someone's bird who is trying to take the students away," said Michael. Soon the students decided to fight the bird. "Let us join the fight," said Florence. Michael agreed with Florence's idea and so as Linda, Joyce, and Chris. Miss Pearl, Sir Nate, and Sir Ben couldn't come out of the building before they know how dangerous the bird CA be so they stayed indoors.

Soon the students and the bird were fighting, most of the students were beginning to get a demonic face and where been controlled by the bird. "How are we gonna stop this bird?," asked Florence. "Obed," Joyce yelled, "we need your help."