Chapter 48: A Sudden Change

The crew begins to search for Obed in the school. They searched the dormitory, the cafeteria, and even the training room. They also searched the VR but he wasn't there. Michael saw Barns and asked him if he had seen Obed. Michael replied to Michael and said that he hadn't seen Obed and that he was looking for him too. Then they decided to search outside the school. They began to ask the other students whether they had seen Obed but the students said they haven't seen him. Soon they went to the park and they saw Obed sitting there alone. They began to run towards Obed. Then Obed used one of his abilities to create a barrier do that his friends cannot pass. "Obed, what are you doing"? said Barns. "We are here to help", he continued.

"I don't need your help", said Obed. "Just leave", he continued. Barns and the others were shocked by the response Obed gave. I hurt someone, or should I say killed someone.

"But Obed, you didn't kill anyone, it was just training", said Angel. "Besides we are leading", she continued. "I don't want anyone to worry me or talk to me again", said Obed. Obed then rose and flew into the air to another destination. "Do you think he'll be alright", said Michael. The whole crew got confused and then Burns decided to speak. "He'll be alright, besides he's going to try to control his ability". Soon the crew then left the park and they head to the school and Barns dormitory.

*Sorry for this small chapter, I've been sick for some time. The next chapter will surely be lengthy*