Chapter 61: Learning The Kusarigama Moves

"Obed, where's Joyce", said Florence. Obed was then surprised by the question that Florence asked him. Obed was startled and he soon went to take a seat. "Obed, where's Joyce", said Linda. Obed's face fell and then he gave a big sigh. "She's dead", said Obed. "My cousin and killed her", he continued. Everyone was surprised by Obed's answer. Even Florence who knew all of this began to cry. "I'm sorry guys", said Obed. "She even wounded me in the process", Obed continued. Obed then got up and went to where Florence was crying. Obed patted Florence on the head to console her. Florence then hugged Obed tightly and she told Obed to promise her that he won't kill her. "I'm afraid I can't promise you on that", said Obed. Florence felt sad after Obed's reply. "Now, it's just left with Obed, Florence, Michael, Chris, Linda, Angel", said Barns. They all nodded their heads and then Michael popped in. "So Obed, what were you coming to tell us." Well, the thing is, I now possess the Blood Reaper", said Obed. Everyone was at a standstill and then Chris, Barns, and Michael started to laugh. "What's so funny", said Obed. "You think is a lie", he continued. Michael, Chris, and Barns even laughed harder than the first one. "You're a level 2 user and so how can you wield the Blood Reaper. Florence added her voice. "What's this Blood Reaper", said Florence. "Well, it's a weapon that has an enchantment of 230- 1912. It's a level 6-52 and can be held by a human whose level is higher than that or has the same level. Its attack is from 103-1333", said Michael. How did you know all of these things", replied Obed. Michael then laughed again and replied, "from my mum". "So even Obed, what show's that you can wield this weapon even with your weak level", said Chris. Obed then showed his level to Chris, Barns, and Michael. "A level 7 user, but how", said Chris. "I believe I can wield the Blood Reaper", said Obed. Obed now had to learn Kusarigama moves. He has to learn it today. Obed then raced to the park and his friends followed.

Soon, Obed arrived at the park as well as his friends. "Well, there are 7 moves you need to master and I want to learn all the moves well to be able to wield the Blood Reaper", said Magnus. "But firstly, you will need let learn martial arts", he continued. Obed agreed to Magnus's decision and trained in Martial arts. Bis friends stood there watching him. Obed trained day and night learning Martial arts until on the 5th day, he mastered Martial arts. "Impressive", said Magnus. "Now let's see whether you can use it on your opponents", he continued. Obed called out Barns and Michael. "I would like you to face me in a battle", said Obed. They all agreed and began to fight. Obed's fighting experience was good and was able to at least shake off Michael and Barns for a bit. "Let's end it here", said Obed. Michael and Barns stopped and we're all sweaty. "We are going to bring you towels", said Angel. "I'm coming with you", said Linda. Soon it was now time for Obed to learn the 7 Kusarigama moves. For the 1, 2, and 3 moves Obed found it easy as he was learning and watching it from his system. The 4th move was hard for Obed to master. "Put all your concentration on it", said Magnus. Obed placed his concentration on the 4tg move and was able to do it. He managed to do the 5th, 6th and 7th move. "Now you can wield the Blood Reaper". Obed then called out his blood Reaper and it came. "So this is the Blood Reaper", said Florence. "At the start of each of its turns, the blood reaper deals 5 (1d10) piercing damage to any creature grappling it. Deadly Reflexes. The blood reaper gains two extra reactions per round that can be used only for opportunity attacks", said Obed. Obed then used his moves with his Blood Reaper and suddenly it was making an impact. ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE AT THE AUDITORIUM IMMEDIATELY, I REPEAT, ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE AT THE AUDITORIUM IMMEDIATELY. "I guess we should be going", said Barns. Sorry we are late, said Linda. She then handed over the towels to Obed, Michael, and Barns. After cleaning off their sweat, they all headed to the auditorium.