Chapter 63: Home Sweet Home

"At last, I'm finally home", said Obed. "The last time that I was here was when I was kidnapped with Joyce", Obed said and sighed. Wood who was a watch then turned back to his creature form. Obed was exhausted. Obed went to the kitchen to prepare some food. He also prepared some for Wood. "Here you go Wood", said Obed. Wood turned to his plate and started to eat. Obed sent his food to his room to eat over there. As Obed was eating, Obed was thinking about his ability, the demonic ability, and his blood Reaper. As soon as Obed was talking to himself, his phone vibrated on his desk. Obed went to his desk and reached for his phone. He turned it on and saw that he had a lot of missed calls from Florence Linda and Angel. Also, there were 20 unread messages from his group text. Obed decided to read all of them after he had finished eating. It didn't take a while until Obed finished his food. He got out of his room and headed straight to the kitchen to wash his bowl. As soon as Obed was there he saw that Wood had finished his food but was nowhere to be found. Obed washed the plates and decided to look for Wood in the house. Obed screamed Wood's name out loud but there was no response. Obed checked in the storeroom, his room, and even went outside to check if Wood had gotten out. Obed then decided to check the bathroom.

Soon climbed the stairs that were leading to the bathroom. As soon as he got there, he noticed a figure in the shower. This was a human figure. Obed was beginning to look afraid so he activated his electric ability just in case. Obed then lifted the curtain and saw a young boy in the shower. "Who are you", said Obed. Wood then replied, "It's me, Wood". Obed then smiled and laughed and then he fainted.

5-10 minutes later, Obed was awake. "What happened", he said. "Well hello master, I can see you are awake", said Wood. Obed screamed out loud and then Wood placed his finger on Obed's lips. "Be quiet master", said Wood. Obed became quiet and asked Wood. "How did you turn human", asked Obed. "You see, while you and Joyce were in the demonic realm when you were captured, God turned me to a human when I showed up and I could turn back to the animal I was and any other thing", replied Wood. "So that's your camouflage", said Obed. "Probably", replied Wood. "Anyway, I'm going to be in this shape for the whole vacation until we return to school", said Wood. Obed then got up sighed and headed to his room.

Obed reached for his phone and decided to text Florence first. This was the conversation that Obed and Florence had. PS: O stands for Obed and F stands for Florence. Keep that in mind.



Obed is me Florence[F]

I know [O]

I'm already missing you now. Just left with 3 days more to Christmas and Angel, Linda, and I are planning to stay at your house this Christmas season. What do you think?[F]

I think it's a great idea but...[O]

Then it's settled, I'll inform them and please take note that we'll be arriving today😉[F]

Bye Obed, love you[F]

Do you even know the location of my house[O]

Of course, I do[F]

Ok bye[O]

I said love you so you need to respond love you too [F]

For real[O]


Alright love you too[O]

Then Florence went offline. "That's one hell of a girl", said Obed "I believe she's trying to fall in love with you", said Wood. Obed screamed and saw Wood behind him. "What are you doing here? And did you even read the messages we sent to each other", Obed said. "Of course. She's coming to isn't it", said Wood. Obed sighed and replied, "Yes". I need to call Michael, Chris, and Barns. Obed then dialed Michael's number and called but the number was busy. Obed called Chris and the same situation, number busy. Obed then called Barns and he answered.

"Hey, Barns", said Obed.

"Hey", said Barns.

"I was wondering if you could tell Michael and Chris to spend the Christmas season with me at my home. You are also welcome", said Obed. "Alright, I'll inform them and we'll be there either today or tomorrow God willing", said Barns. "Ok, I'll send you the location so that you'll come", said Obed.

Obed then hung up the call and shouted, "This calls for some celebration". "Those girls won't worry me", he continued.

"And which girls are you talking about Obed", said Florence. "They are here already, SHIT", said Obed. Then he fainted.