Chapter 71: I've a Brother?

Obed then went up in the sky then activated his demigod ability. His system them asked him, "So you are now a god huh". "I suppose", replied Obed. "But, I don't see myself as a god anyway", he continued. "Anyway, what do we have", said Obed. His system then looked into each of the advanced tier aliens. "Master, I have been able to look into each of the advanced tier aliens and their abilities", said Magnus. "What about the figure which looks like a human shape form", asked Obed. "Master, currently, there's no info about this figure or its abilities", said Magnus. Then I guess we'll have to find out ourselves.

The advanced tier aliens spotted Obed and started firing. Obed managed to dodge some of the shots but was hit on his shoulder. Obed then activated his special power in the demigod ability, superhuman speed. Obed dodged most of the shots and released his Blood Reaper. Obed then used his Blood Reaper several times on the advanced tier alien. "You cannot kill me", said the alien. "Ooooo really", said Obed. Obed focused his attack at the same point or should I say place where he was targeting. Obed finally, sliced the alien stomach into two. "What, but how", said the alien. "If you can't kill an advanced alien by targeting different areas, you focus your attack on one single point or place", said Obed. Soon, the first-tier advanced alien had been slain. So that's the demigod ability and the Blood Reaper, interesting ability and weapon.

"Two more to go", said Obed.

One of the advanced tier aliens used its ability to form a spear. A spear made of ice. "It's the ability it's ice", said Obed. "Shit", said Obed. Obed then activated his electric ability. "Just as I thought", said the figure. "An electric ability", he continued. The advanced tier alien then went head-on to Obed and stabbed him at the back. Obed was seriously bleeding.

Lose of blood: 70% remaining.

The other alien also came and stabbed Obed in his stomach.

40% of blood remaining.

"Damn," thought Obed.

F*** you, shouted Obed.

Obed then used his ability to form an electric ball.

Obed then released the balls and they all hit the aliens. Finally, they were all dead.

Obed then raced towards the figure as his blood was increasing at an arithmetic rate. As soon as Obed got to the figure, it said, "Welcome brother".

"What do you mean by brother", said Obed.

"And who the f*** are you", Obed continued.

"It looks like you don't remember me but that's okay", replied the figure.

The figure was dressed in a robe with a hood on top. The figure then removed the hood from his head and showed his face to Obed.

"Just who the hell are you", said Obed.

"I guess you don't remember your brother Bright", said Bright.

"Who's he", said Magnus.

"I have no idea Magnus.", replied Obed. "I didn't even know that I have a brother", Obed continued.

"So you have a brother?", asked Magnus. "How come I didn't know", Magnus continued.

"Enough with the chit-chat Obed", said Bright.

"What do you want", asked Obed

"I'm here to take back what's mine", replied Bright.

"What do you mean", asked Obed.

"I'm here to take our father's ability", replied Bright.

"How did you know about that", asked Obed as he was becoming angry.

"Oh, don't worry", said Bright. "Besides, I'm going to kill you right here and right now", Bright continued.

As soon as Bright completed his sentence, he raced towards Obed but was stopped by Diana.

"If it isn't Diana from the demigod family", said Bright. "How's mother", he asked.

"So you remember mother don't you", asked Diana.

"You run away from her just to fulfill your selfish desires and now you want to claim Obed's ability as a god", asked Diana.

"So now you are a god huh", said Bright.

"Then I bet I can't challenge you now", Bright continued.

"We'll meet again brother", said Bright.

"This time, I'll kill you for sure", said Bright then he used his water ability to escape or should I say vanish.

"A water ability", said Obed.

"Only one god can have that ability", said Obed.

"Don't tell me, my brother's father is POSEIDON", said Obed.