Chapter 77: In Another Dimension

"It's been 5 days now and Obed still isn't here," Florence said. "Don't worry Florence," Angel said as she approached Florence. "Obed cannot and will not die," she continued.

Meanwhile, in Miss Pearl's office, Miss Pearl was weeping bitterly. "I've never Miss Pearl weep before," Gloria said to Ben. "This is the third time Obed has gone missing again," Ben said. "The first one was when Obed got missing on the red planet, the second was when one of the advanced tier aliens came and killed Obed, the third is this," Ben explained.

"Miss Pearl, please stop weeping, Obed will be back," Miss Gloria said. "Do you know what I'm feeling right now," Miss Pearl asked? "When Obed and I were together, I liked him," she said. "What do you mean Pearl," Sir Ben asked. "I love Obed," Miss Pearl said.

"But Miss, you are the principal of the school so how can you be loving a student," Miss Gloria asked. "You have a long competition ahead of you," she continued. "Florence, Angel, and Linda," Sir Ben said. "They are all there," Sir Ben said.

Soon a knock was heard from the front door of Miss Pearl's office. Miss Gloria went ahead to open the door and there was Angel, Linda, Florence, Barns, Michael, and Chris. "Miss Pearl, we heard you crying so we wanted to make sure you were okay," Michael said. Miss Pearl then wiped off her tears and said, "Thank you for being worried about me, but I'm okay now."

"So no one knows whether he's dead or alive right," Chris asked. Soon Wood appeared in the room. "Master isn't dead," Wood said. "What do you mean he isn't dead," Sir Ben asked. "If Master had died, I would also die and cease to exist," Wood explained. "So that means Obed isn't dead," asked Florence. "Yes," Wood replied.

Soon Wood then turned himself into a human form. As soon as the transformation was complete, Miss Pearl asked, "Is that you Wood?"

"Yes, my master has seen my form already," Wood continued. "I'm going to maintain this form until master arrives," Wood said. "So where's he," Gloria asked. "To be frank with you all, I can't locate his location," Wood replied. "Then I guess we'll have to wait and see," Angel said.

Meanwhile, Obed found himself in a different world, in a different dimension. "Where I'm I," Obed said. Obed then asked Magnus to inspect the area.

Planet: Unknown


"Is that all of the clues you can find," Obed asked Magnus.

"Yes," Magnus replied.

"This place looks like heaven to me," Obed said. "But it's not," Magnus replied.

"Wait, what happened to Bright," I asked Magnus. "He's dead," said Magnus.

"I also stored his ability in your storage," Magnus continued.

"When did you do that," Obed asked.

"I've advanced now dummy," Magnus replied.

"So what are we going to do here," Obed asked.

"Who brought us here in the first place," Obed asked.

Obed then stood up and felt a huge pain in his left shoulder. "It appears the ability you used to defeat Bright," Magnus said. "You would have died from that attack because there was zero chance of you surviving," Magnus continued.

"Can you walk master," Magnus asked Obed. Obed then replied Magnus and then began to walk but his walking was slow. "Where I'm I going to find food to eat, I'm starving," Obed said. It's a good thing I stored foods in the storage. "But first we need to look for shelter because the place is becoming dark," Magnus replied.

Soon Obed found a cave and rested there. His system opened up the storage site for Obed to select his food to eat. After eating, Obed spent the night in the cave.

The next morning, Obed found himself at another place but not the cave. "Where the hell is the cave," Obed yelled. "It looks like we've been teleported again but we are still in the same dimension and world," Magnus replied. "This thing is beginning to freak me out," Obed said. "I've never been this scared before," Obed continued. As they were walking, Obed's HP was increasing as usual, and was able to move his left arm a little. "It looks like there are no ends nor curves, just straight road," Magnus said.

As Obed was walking he felt a strong feeling approaching his direction. "This presence,.." said Magnus. "Have you felt this presence before?" Obed asked Magnus. "Do you know the presence," Obed asked. "No, but it seems familiar," Magnus said. "We better move fast," Magnus proceeded with. "From the look of things, if Master isn't careful, he would die here," Magnus said to himself.

As they were walking, there noticed something shiny from far away. "Magnus, what's that," Obed asked. I don't know either. Obed started running in the direction of the light.

Finally, Obed reached there and saw a gate. "A gate, what's it's doing here anyway," Obed asked. "All this time, we never encountered a gate," Obed said to himself. "There's no option but to go in," Magnus said Obed. Obed then breathed in and out and opened the gate.

As he opened the gate, the gate made a screeching sound. "I didn't it to make this noise," Obed said. "Be careful master, anything can happen here," said Magnus. "I'm sensing something dangerous," Magnus said. Magnus then began to inspect the area but still, there was no clue of where they were.

Soon, as they were walking, they noticed a throne. "A throne here," said Obed. "It can't be," said Magnus. "What is its system," asked Obed.

"Well, it appears you made it," said a voice.

"Who are you, and are you the one who brought me here," Obed asked.

Obed then saw someone on the throne. A woman with long black hair and a black robe and a Scythe.

"No way, it can be," Obed said.

"It's the Angel of Death," Magnus said.

Soon the Angel of Death revealed her face to Obed and then smiled.