Chapter 94: Witches, Mages, Sorcerers and Wizards

"Sorry but the preparations are complete," Justin let out. Everyone then looked up the sky and saw that the sky had turned red. "It can't be," Florence said. Soon, the sky turned into a portal as it then opened up. As soon as the sky opened up, the most powerful wizards, mages, sorcerers and wizards began to appear. They were dressed in black robes. Thousands of them began to appear. Mages as well as sorcerers cane to the scene. Finally, Iana appeared. "It's him, it's finally him," Osborne said. "It's Iana," Osborne said. Everyone looked at Iana as they saw him as a little kid. 'He's just little kid," Sir Ben let out. Justin then approached Iana and knelt before him. "Welcome back my Lord," Justin said to Iana. "I want to thank you for resurrecting me from the dead," Iana also thanked Justin. "Now where's your father so that I can kill him?" Iana asked Justin.

"There's no need for you to worry my Lord, he is dead," Justin replied. "What do you mean by the dead, who killed him?" Iana asked Justin. "No one, he died on his own," Justin explained. "Well who is the strongest after him," Iana questioned Justin. "Well, we have Obed who is my brother and is now sealed," Justin replied. Justin then showed Iana Obed who is sealed in the Palantíri. "Well, well, well if it isn't Obed, is a pleasure to meet you," Iana said as he begun laughing. "Who else is there?" Iana asked.

"They also have Miss Pearl and Sir Ben," Justin replied. "I haven't seen their abilities yet but they are still strong opponents," Justin let out. "And the rest?" Iana asked. "They are all weak," Justin replied. "We must move," Iana said as he ordered the witches and wizards to destroy everything on their site. The witches and wizards obeyed as they set out to destroy everything but they were supported by a barrier. "I recognize this magic, it's God isn't it?" Iana asked. Iana's eyes is a very special eye. It can see from far places. "I thought you were dead?" Iana asked. Osborne then summoned Miss Gloria and then the rest of the people who stayed behind to their realm. Osborne sent some of his guards to protect the students.

Everyone was happy to see Miss Gloria and the rest who stayed behind. Miss Gloria was then prepared as they saw Justin and then Iana. "I see you the greatest wizard is here," Miss Gloria let out. "As you already know Iana, I cannot die but mark my words, you will be defeated," Osborne replied. "Whether you like it or not, Obed is still sealed so you guys will not be able to unseal him," Justin said.

Florence, Miss Pearl, Miss Gloria, Sir Ben, Charles, Marcus, Joyce, Angel, Linda, Michael, Chris, Bright, and Barns gathered around. "So you joined forces with them brother?" Justin asked. "I refuse to join forces with you but rather free Obed from the seal," Bright let out. "Sorry but I'm afraid you are all out of luck," Justin said. Soon, Bright's other brother Derrick joined forces with Bright. "No, not you too," Bright said. "Don't be surprised brother, I'm the current demon lord," Derrick said.

A war was about to start between Iana's team and Florence team. "Justin, use a barrier to hold Obed, he's our life force after all," Iana ordered Justin. Justin did as he was told and used a barrier to hold Obed. "Now then shall we battle," Iana said. Florence then looked up at the sky and saw Obed sealed. "You just wait Obed, I'm going to save you," Florence said. Just then Obed who was inside the Palantíri began to saw in his mind, "Help me."