Chapter •II•

"Oh- Li Jie, let me introduce you to your new deskmate, Li YìChén. He just transferred this morning. YìChén, this is Fu Li Jie. Our school prince."

"I— It wasn't—"

"Stuttering? Do you perhaps have trouble speaking? No because, if I remember well, you didn't have any when you badmouthed me, right?" At this instant, YìChén was red because of shame and embarrassment. Damn me and my mouth, he mentally cursed himself.

"I was pissed. Sorry for bad mouthing you." He tried his hardest not to grit his teeth. He hated the fact this guy was looking at him with that victorious sparkle in his eyes.

"I forgive you then. But please, refrain from cursing me. I'm quite popular plus the president of the student council so you better be in my good graces." It was a not-really-hidden threat. Who does he think he is?

"Then let me inform you already, I will act as I want. I'm not gonna lick your boots because of who you are. And in case you hadn't noticed, the post of the Prince of this school might change now that I'm here." The smirk he gave the other was devilish, if his parents had to see him now, they would probably collapse. Li Jie sat at his sit beside him and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know why but I feel like from now on, life will be more interesting." He smiled at YìChén who just snorted in reply, only now realizing Wang Shao must have left some moments ago. The bell rang again to notify the students their second class of the day was about to begin and that they should hurry into their classrooms. YìChén threw a look at the president of the student council but noticed that the other was already looking at him. When Li Jie saw the pretty boy looking at him, he winked but instead of looking elsewhere like a normal person would do, he kept looking at YìChén who, unable to support it any longer, asked to go to the bathroom. He knew he had lost a battle just now but it was ok. He had all the school year to show him how superior he was.


When lunch time arrived, 3 hours later, it was welcomed by smiles and cheers. Everyone was hungry and YìChén wasn't an exception. His stomach had already started to growl because of hunger. His bag packed, he lifted his head and saw two pairs of eyes looking at him.

"Hey YìChén, do you want to eat with us?" Mei Lin asked him with a smile while Wang Shao was nodding his head. The pretty boy swiftly looked to his right but didn't see his annoying deskmate. Mei Lin must have seen it because she said, "if you're looking for Li Jie, there is no use. He rarely eats at the cafeteria because of his work as the student council's president."

"He rarely eats at all. I remember a day where he fainted and when he woke up, the teacher scolded him and obliged him to eat a full meal every day during lunch with her to make sure he was eating properly." YìChén did his best not to laugh when imagining the scene in his head. He didn't succeed.

"Yeah, yeah. Can we go now, please? If we wait too long, all the good stuff will be gone!" It seemed to work because Wang Shao swung his bag on his shoulder in a swift movement and ran in the direction of the cafeteria, yelling about the fact he will grab a table for them. Mei Lin shook her head, desperate. In the hallway, when they were walking at a steady pace, chatting and learning more about each other, a girl stopped them by putting herself in front of them.

"A problem?" Asked the male student with a brow raised. The girl in front of him was so short he had to lower his head a little.

"I'm sorry but- I'm in your class and I saw you talking with the Prince. Please, could I trouble you to bring him the lunch I made him please?"

"Heh?!" He was about to answer 'no' but the girl put a lunchbox in his hands and ran away. She had been so fast he nor Mei Lin had the time to proceed. He looked at the girl beside him with round eyes. She was laughing.

"Wow, when I tell that to Wang Shao, he'll be so mad to have missed that." She said, still laughing. "Seems like you're not gonna eat right now dear."

"B- But I—"

"Come on, you can't possibly throw that away. Nor can you eat it. You just have to take it to him. Cheer up! The student council's room is just at the opposite of the cafeteria." She was having too much fun now while YìChén was pissed. Even when not here, this guy could still upset him.

"See you later." Was the only goodbye he gave before going in the opposite direction, cursing Fu Li Jie and his handsomeness.

Mei Lin didn't lie, he had to ask at least three students before reaching the room. It was, effectively, at the other end of the school. Taking a deep breath so as to not curse the guy inside, he gently knocked on the door and waited. After 1 minute without answer, he knocked again, with more force this time.


He was starting to think that no one was inside when the door finally opened on a disheveled student council's president. "What is— Oh, it's you. What are you doing here?" His voice was deeper than earlier and judging by his appearance, either he had sex or he was sleeping.

"Can I come in? I don't know for you but my parents taught me not to let someone at the door when talking to them." Li Jie rolled his eyes but opened the door and took a step back, signalling him to come in. "Thanks." He said.

"Yeah. Now, why are you here?"

"I'm bringing you lunch." Li Jie blinked twice and stayed silent. When YìChén understood the confusion his sentence must have made, he corrected himself after clearing his throat: "don't misunderstand. A girl gave me that and told me to give it to you."

Li Jie was eyeing him suspiciously, "why would she give it to you?"

"Sigh. Because she saw us talking earlier, she thought I was your friend or something." He scrunched his nose at the disturbance, the image of them being close bothering him. "She must have been too shy to give it to you by herself."

"Mhm, I see. Thank you for bringing it to me." A silence took place and suddenly, YìChén's stomach grumbled. He was red with embarrassment while Li Jie had his eyes widened.

"I'm leaving."

"Don't go." The president caught his arm and quickly let it go. He cleared his throat a few times, visibly embarrassed by something. "By the time you go back, nothing edible will be left. Let's eat together, there is way too much for me and I dislike wasting food." YìChén wanted to refuse. There was no way he would eat with this guy who, for an unknown reason, riles him up so easily. However, his stomach growled again and he knew the other was right about the cafeteria. Reluctantly, he sat on the opposite chair and accepted half of the lunchbox. Li Jie was right. She had cooked for four, not one. Their meal began in silence, until YìChén's phone rang. An incoming call from his mom. He looked at Li Jie who nodded at him.


'Yes. I wanted to ask you, I found your Bible under the bed when cleaning your room. Can you tell me why it was under? Plus, there is a lot of dust on it, when was the last time you used it?' She was nagging. He didn't need that right now.

'First of all mom, I told you I didn't want you to go into my room. Then, it must have fallen one day while I was working. I use the app on my phone anyway. No need for this old and heavy book.' His mom gasped and he understood he just fucked up.

''Old and heavy book?!'" She was angry. "How dare you! This book, as you called it, is the Holy Bible. It's God's inheritance! How dare you say it's just an 'old and heavy book?'' She was screaming and a look at Li Jie allowed YìChén to see that the other had heard everything. Fuck.

'I'm sorry mom but I have to go, my classes will begin soon. Let's talk tonight when I'm back." He didn't give her the time to finish when he stopped the call. He sighed and turned to be in front of Li Jie who had come to stand behind him.

"Well, if this isn't interesting. Seems like you, my dear, the one who wanted to take my spot as the Prince is religious? Don't you know that greed is a sin?" His smirk meant everything. It was the beginning of what YìChén thought would be the end…