(I know that not all people celebrate christmas, or even believe in Santa. but this is just based on my experiences :3)

When I was about 5, I believed that every christmas, Santa Claus would come down our chimney and eat the milk and cookies we would put out for him (Or some asian treats for replacements 🤣), and he would magically pop through our very narrow chimney that was just so small for the "jolly ole fat" man to fit through.

Although when I reached age 10, I came to a .... suspicion.

"Mom. . . How come you say you see Santa when you wake up for work, but then the cookies aren't eaten?" I asked my mom one morning.

She looked at me and said, "WELL . . . Santa has a hard time going through houses to drop presents quickly before morning comes, so he might not have time for the cookies."

I was like 'hmm...hmm..okay...wait no >:('

Of course I was having so much doubts about what my mom said, I went with the flow and didn't give a damn.

ANYWAYS, I'm not tryna ruin any of yalls Santa beliefs but I'm just tryna share what happened to me :P.

I don't believe in Santa anymore, but my childhood self still holds some hope.

(Cliche end?) -

All in all, I don't really care about the presents because I try to spend time with my family, and I try my best to look out for other people too, because you never know the situation strangers are in.