Left at the cashier

This one time when I was 10 years old, my dad and I were at Walmart.

We were heading to the checkout center, and while we were putting the stuff on the conveyer belt, my dad said "Oh shoot, I forgot the walmart card in the car," And so, he told me to stay put and wait for him.

We didint have much stuff so the cashier checked out our items quickly. There were like a bunch of people in line behind us, and I was just there on the side waiting for my dad awkwardly while the kids in the line behind me just stared awkwardly.

It felt like 10 hours passed, 10 HOURS OF AWKWARDLY STANDING THERE, until my dad came and we paid quickly.

I wanted to erase this from my memory but somehow, I thought of it when I was about to go to sleep, made me cringe ;-;.