
Damn have I been gone for long?


Anyways, for the few people who keep up or read my novels, they all have been put on pause for what I feel like has been 2 years ;-;.

Sorry about that! I went through some thinking about my next updates. I thought that if I unpause some of my novels and post an episode that's ready, and then have to wait and make more episodes, I feel like that's unfair to the few people who read my novels. Yes I don't want ya'll to wait for a long time but I also want to make sure my writing style for novels get better, and my vocabulary. I also needed to focus on other work in life that I'm not really going to explain for personal reasons ♡. I honestly don't know when i'm going to publish more episodes for my stories but I will still be continuing it in the near future. Thank you for reading my novels!

*Ms. Sheep shorts will be updating once or twice a month while I continue to work on my other novels♡ mwah♡*