
Having a rival was really good.

Even though both Nan Luo and Feng Ao Kuai were pursuing different role in the battlefield, the two of them were seeing each other as their rival. They would never want to be left behind and continued to improve themselves.

Even in different roles, they still moved forward and improved themselves.

They didn't want to lose against each other.

After all, their goal was similar: to become a great general like their grandfather. No matter which method they used, with similar goal, it meant that their end point would also be the same.

Only the path they treaded will be different.

And in the process, they will continue to compete and compare with each other. Doing their best so that they would not lose to the other party.

Si Kang watched as the sun set at the distance and the gong signaled the end of the battle rang out.

They were following rules in this battle.