Capturing the West Point City

But of course, not everyone from Fei Yang Kingdom had such strong muscle that everyone feared them.

Nan Hua was one of the example.

She definitely couldn't win against the raw power, especially when facing those old monsters. Thus, her mind was filled with ignenious ideas that she could use and didn't break the world's technology advancement.

If she wanted to…

Gunpowder, guns, bomb, and many other terrifying technologies could be born.

After all, she was an agent who had been taught how to make them from the raw materials in case it was necessary.

But it would cause massive destruction and a lot of people's life will be lost. Not to mention, these things will definitely cause the history's trajectory to change so horribly and the balance would be overturned.

For better or worse, Nan Hua didn't want to be the one to introduce these things.